

Bossy - Series 1 chapter 2
Division of labour _

“Good day guys, thanks for coming here, please have a sit, the school has recommended that we should clean the school” Said Bossy

“What?, why us?, when we have over 309 students at school” Said Eve

“Calm down, that's why we are going to be doing it, in team work” Said Bossy

“Chloe, you take the backyard, Presley, you take the front yard and you guys should follow me” Added Bossy

“I represent to you the pig yard, you guys have to clean here, while I rest” Said Bossy

“A pig yard, are you kidding me or its real” Asked Eve

“I am not kidding you,dear, you have to work now”Said Bossy

“And if I say no, by the way, I represents to you, the best cleaner finale Bossy, bye” Eve said as she held Diamond's hand and left

At that same night_
“Why most we always have to snick to school at night, mostly at this time of...” Said Diamond

“Enough, I have found the list of the Job” Said Bossy

“Does it say, we should go back home and sleep” Said Diamond

"Wait, a second
Bossy, is asked
to clean the
whole school
for not doing
his homework" Read Diamond

"Bossy!!!, you were supposed to clean the school and giving everything to everyone to do, and you talked about resting, Waiit til everyone hears this” Said Diamond

“But guys, I promise I would anything, you ask me to do” Said Bossy

“Okay then, let's start with the umm, the pig yard” Said Eve

“But guys, I don't..... Never mind” Said Bossy 😬

© Fantasy, family and comedy