

drop by drop make an ocean !
Every thing begins with dust and progresses to the formation of massive particles that resemble planets. What can you say about it in a story?

In Hindi we always said "drop by drop make an ocean"
how you think?
by one day of practice ,
you can achieve your big goal.
how you think?
by one day of your dedication to someone,
you can win their trust.
nothing is possible by one day.
if you want achieve something,
you have to do something for that,
not only one day it's everyday.
If you think you can achieve everything
in one day,
you lose everything in that day.
when a person becomes arrogant,
their arrogance consumes them.
That's in every compitition,
every one say that always be confident,
not over confident
when you become over confident you lost
that compitition,
you will loss
so every day you have to done
one thing for your dreams.
that make you one step near to your
"tempary loss is better than permanent loss"
always accept the result.

© ujjwalkaintura