

Tales of Destiny: If I Could
"How do we Create a Future in which both People and Nature can Thrive? We Open our Eyes to this Moment in History, Think on a Planetary Scale, Embrace the Challenge we Face, and do something we Humans are very good at - Change the World."
D. Attenborough


A #WRITCO Compilation




In every Life we Encounter those Things Unbelievable others call Miracles: A Blind Man Driving a Dying Child to a Hospital, A Deaf Woman Speaking to a Rousing Crowd, A Paraplegic Running a Marathon. We don't always Understand, but accept what we see with our Eyes. You and I, let us take a Moment to Experience some of these Fantastical Memories. Face to Face, Place to Place, let us Open a Book in the Grand Library of Human History.


Yesterday, we reached out to viewers for an Idea for today's Tale of Destiny. @damian_t_hallan Suggested a Tale about a BONOBO.

It just so Happens that I came across a Story involving a Little Girl Lost in the Woods of the Congo, Abandoned Since Birth.

Her Tale may Leave a Lasting Memory in your Hearts, and a Mark within our Souls ...


"You get that half-breed away from me," he shouted at her. "Plague on Humanity!"

She begged and pleaded, "but she's our little Girl! Please, do not do this!"

He turned back around toward her with a Large Stick. "I will tell you One More Time. It is Either me, or that Thing! Your Choice."

She took a Long Look at the Little Girl. Hazel Eyes, Creamy Skin, Staring Up at her with a Warm Loving Smile. Her Little Naps of Hair so Fine yet Tough. She Looked Adorable.

There was a Tuft of Overgrowth along the Jungle Path, and the Mother Set her Down among the Leaves.

Then she Turned, and they both Left.

But she was not alone ... a Shadow with Coal-Colored Eyes, were Watching.

******Ten Years Passing******

The Jungle was Hot to the Touch. Even the Ground itself Radiated Heat beyond Normal. There was a Tremendous BOOM in the Far Distance, but the Little Girl was too Busy Playing with Bom-Bo. She was Deft at Swinging Tree to Tree, just as Bom-Bo had Learned to Walk Upright and Hold Items as a Human. Experiencing these New Things brought them Closer Together; and yet, her Faded Memory of an Abandoned Past Crept up on her more so than it ever had before.

"Hello Bom-Bo," she said in her own Made Up Language.

Bom-Bo Smiled, Giving her a Tight Embrace. She was an Incredibly Bright BONOBO with a Raised Nose and Warm Smile. Their Friendship Began the Same Day Bom-Bo's Father Brought her into the Group. It was the Same Day she was Left Behind.

Now Bom-Bo's Father had Passed, a Victim of the Steady Poaching within the Congo; and the Popular Delicacy of Eating actual Monkey's Brains.

Their Population here, now, was Skant.

Only the Mother and a Few Siblings Survived.

Suddenly, there was a Rustling in the Bushes Nearby.

They both Huddled in the Thick Leaves amongst the Trees and Became very Still and Quiet, Eyes almost Closed to Remain Hidden.

"I know they are here," a male voice called to someone else, "cuz this is where we always Net them."

The other man Handed him a bundle of Bananas and Tree Nuts.

Her Mouth Watered, as well as Bom-Bo's. She Held her Finger to her Lips as Bom-Bo Started to get Excited.

Bom-Bo Listened.

"We will wait to See if this will Draw them out," he said as they both seem to turn and Leave.

After a Few Hours, when the Sun Dropped just below the Horizon, she and Bom-Bo Returned to Find the Bananas were gone, Replaced by Several other Bonobos.

One was Bom-Bo's Mother.

Bom-Bo Immediately Screamed Out!

"THAT'S IT!" The Men both Called out. "That's the One!"

Then they Saw the Girl.

"And Grab her too," they Agreed, "she will Fetch a Fair Price!"

The Girl and Bom-Bo tried to Run as Fast as they could.

In the Trees, they Stayed Hidden. But the Sounds of Musket Fire Frightened Bom-Bo and she Fell from the Treetop.

Bom-Bo Stopped Moving as she Hit the Ground.

"I Think the Ugly Monkey Broke her Damn Neck," one of them Laughed. "Let's take her anyway. She'll sell for Scraps."

Then the Girl Screeched Like a Raging Banshee and Threw herself Wildly from the Treetop Straight onto one of the Men.

She Immediately Gouged out one of his Eyes onto the Dirt floor of the Jungle. He Fell over Whimpering and Blinded. The other Man Tried to Grapple his Musket, but the Tree she Flew from Dropped a Large Twig and Knocked the Gun from his Hands far away.

There was Motion among the other Trees.

Then, Bonobo after Bonobo began falling from Trees.

They Released the Mother.

The Men Froze Stiff where they were.

She Stood up Straight and Walked over to both men.

Pointing toward the Jungle Clearing afar off, she said in her Language. "You-Must-Go!"

They Ran away, weaponless, as Fast as they could.

Afterwards, Bom-Bo began to Stir. She was Simply Knocked Unconscious. She and the Little Girl each Hugged One Another, and the Mother.

All the Remaining Bonobos Came Together to eat the Bananas and Tree Nuts Left Behind.

And the Little Girl and Bom-Bo Never Saw the Surly Men Again.

But this Story is not Over, for One Day soon after this Occasion, the Little Girl's Mother had Returned to Find her Abandoned Child.

But that is a Story ... for Another Time!


Wow, that was some TALE! A Little Girl Abandoned by her Parents saving an Entire Group of Bonobos at just the Right Moment. This is one of those Moments where No Thing Supernatural or Miraculous had to Happen to Save the Day. Just the Warm Heart and the Bond between Human and Bonobo was Enough to Drive off the Insanity of Hatred, and a Loathing for Nature's Creation.

And we Applaud Bom-Bo for her Bravery and Courage.

Thank you again D.T.Hallan for you Suggestion, and we Hope you Enjoyed this Story you Helped Inspire.

Thank you Readers for Delving into this Sequel.

Tune in Next Time for another Story:

A Young Boy Finds himself Lost in the Woods, Late at Night. But the Trees Call to him, Leading him Home ...

Or to Somewhere Else!

You'll Find out in the Next


Bye Bye

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© I Am MichAel