


Previously on Year 4000:

An Alien race has been attracted by our shiny emissions. Having grey, transparent quad-wings, fashioned by a furry white exterior with two golden stripes, their eyes are filled with a deep shade of galaxy red...


They live in very tall buildings with too many floors built in thick and most advanced steel girders which can carry the weight of the skyscraper. Enough to lift the entire building, because it becomes a spaceship, equal to the size of a progressive country. Stumbling through the skies, exactingly igniting the heavens.

The building is fully equipped so that in case someone wants to occupy or subdue them, they can afford to defend their race. Because of this modern building, which becomes a spaceship it also receives messages from interlocutors who possibly want to conquer them and take over their domain. They can understand each signals and communications from invaders. It can also orbit around another object in space.

To be continued...

©Lai Montes
Image - Pixabay