

Magic Realms Hidden Secrets (chapter two).
Chapter Two.
Lost Treasures.

The summer heat was undeniably unbearable. How could it be cold at night but scorching at day? Luna pondered which dress to wear, but came to the conclusion that all of her summer dresses were either flower patterned, pink or so long that they dragged across the ground as she walked. She didn't want to wear any of them but couldn't exactly run around in her nightgown, so she put on a lace white-flowered dress that was about knee length. She wanted at least three black summer dresses, and decided to ask Jessica to go shopping with her. Jessica always seemed to know how to make even the ugliest clothes look good on anyone. Luna felt a twinge of jealousy in thinking this. She wished to even have just one of Jessica's attractive traits. "Good morning Luna, that dress looks pretty on you, I am almost relieved to see you not wearing black". Jessica noticed Luna's glare. "Oh sorry Luna, did I offend you?" Luna saw Jessica's worried look on her face and almost laughed at how sincere she was. Mabea that's why everyone loves Jessica, Luna knew that if she accidentally insulated someone she probably wouldn't have even noticed. "It's fine Jess, in fact would you like to go shopping with me, I need a new dress and I'm quite sure that you would like some new ones too?"
"Luna I can't possibly ask you to buy me one, they are very expensive, I could never repay you". Luna shrugged. "You wouldn't need to repay me silly, you being my friend is enough. Come on let's go, Jacob can not see me in this dress, he will laugh at me for decades".
"But Luna don't I have work, the food won't cook itself?"
"I believe that you are forgetting that I am a lady of the court, and it is my responsibility to look presentable, and wouldn't going shopping alone be considered improper for a lady my age?" Jessica smirked.
"You really can get away with anything", she sighed.

Soon Luna was running to the stables ready to ride on the first horse she saw. "Luna you're being ridiculous, there is no way I'm going to just practicality rob the stables, besides I couldn't ride a horse to save my life".
"First of all it is borrowing not robbing, also who said you're going to control the horse, never have I heard such nonsense!?" Luna tried to keep a straight face while saying this, but couldn't contain her laughter. "Come on, we are going to be late", Luna nagged. She had chosen a beautiful white stallion, it's hair was soft and reminded her of a thin silk rug. The horse was clearly well looked after, its scent reminded her of a newly flowered rose. Luna always loved roses, Jacob had once described her as a yellow rose, he had said they are not as popular as red roses but smell much nicer. She could picture the memory very clearly, so clearly that it almost felt like she was living the scene all over again. The wind blew her hair violently behind her, covering Jessica's face entirely. Jessica groaned, Luna almost felt sorry for her, but her amusement easily overpowered her guilt. The Hills were a lustrous green with yellow buttercups scattered around in an almost perfect pattern. It amazed her how nature could bring so much beauty in something so simple. She wanted to put her hands in the air, not only to stretch but also just to feel the wind blow against them but knew Jessica would have a heart attack if she let go of the reins. Horse riding had always been a hobby of hers, she loved the sound of the horse's hooves hitting the ground, she liked how they could hit bricks and make a- she soon realised that there probably isn't any words to describe the sound the hooves make, it's just… satisfying.

Luna was amazed to see their arrival had indeed come promptly, she almost wished it wasn't quite over… almost. "Luna I'm going to be sick! That was one of the worst things I've ever done!" Jessica's face was pale and Luna knew that she was telling the truth, if Jessica didn't get her hands on a bucket in the twenty seconds at least one person in the crowded streets of Orkela would be covered in spew. Luna grabbed Jessica by the arm and pushed her directly into a small shrub. She supposed a bush would work about as well as a bucket. After Jessica had racked her gut of all it's contents, they both went to look for dresses. Orkela was certainly pretty, it had grand statutes, historical buildings, a gorgeous library and perfectly trimmed evergreen hedges, the only imperfection was the fact that it was extremely busy. Everywhere she looked there was at least one person. It didn't help that it was around lunchtime and people from all different regions were ordering from a range of restaurants and bakeries. "I'm going to starve, can we please eat something!" Jessica whinnied loudly. "Wait just one more shop, I have a good feeling about this one."
"That is the fifth time you've said that!"
"Look, I promise this shop's the one." Luna was determined.

"This shop is rather… gothic?" Jessica glanced nervously at the mannequins as if she expected them to come to life. "Look Jess, this dress is beautiful!" Luna announced. "You and I have a different idea of 'beautiful'", Jessica muttered. The dress was as black as night and had fine lace that covered the bottom of it. It had blackish purple pearls sewn at the bottom of the dress and the sleeves were puffy. She tried on the dress and was pleased to see it fit her taste perfectly. The counter person had suggested she should wear black lace gloves and black heels with it. She eagerly agreed and bought the dress. Jessica had already gotten a dress in the first shop they visited. She had chosen a pretty teal short dress, it had a jade-coloured bow around the waist and cute mint buttons. Her eyes seemed to shine the same colour as the dress, and Luna knew it was probably the most expensive item Jessica had ever owned. "Can we get food now?" Jessica whinnied. Luna nodded and Jessica ran to the closest bakery, nearly tripping over her own feet. "I'd like a beef-curry pie please", she then added almost forgetting Luna was standing beside her, "Luna what would you like?"
"Nothing, I'm craving soup, I'll order from the restaurant over there." Jessica shrugged. "Suit yourself".

Luna had decided to take a flatter route back home at a steadier pace. It would take longer to get there, but Jessica would be more comfortable. The sky was deep blue and the sun shining brighter than usual, it was beckoning her East, shining brighter the closer she got. Luna had noticed the world around her seemed to talk to her, in it's own way. Sometimes plants would flower in front of her, rain avoided her path but the most significant things she noticed were the way light reacted towards her presence. Torches changed brightness depending on her mood, stars pointed her in the right direction and shadows cowered before her presence. She could not only control light, it also obeyed her. All these little things used to make her curious and anxious, but with time they had become a part of her. A part she cherished and had grown to love, though she didn't understand it. "Luna how do you always seem to know where we are going?" Luna was not surprised by the question, Jacob had once asked her the same thing. "I like geography", she lied. She couldn't speak the truth as she didn't understand it herself, she just knew. Jessica remained silent for the rest of the journey. Luna stopped suddenly. She had noticed a feeling inside her that wanted her to. She looked around. The only thing different was a small tree on a grass hill in the distance. "Luna why did you stop?" Jessica asked, suddenly curious. "That tree I want to go check it out, can you watch the hose while I'm gone, I'll be back in a few minutes." Jessica looked slightly irritated but agreed anyway. As Luna neared the tree she saw the leaves changing colour, to radiant blues, shimmering reds, lustrous greens, wicked blacks, and Luna's favourite, sparkling yellows. She studied one of the yellow leaves, it started to glow instead of changing colour. Luna saw something reflected in the leaf…
It was a girl. She looked around a year older then Luna, perhaps fourteen like Jessica. Her eyes shined gold and the girl smiled at her as if she knew something Luna didn't. She had clear skin and the same black hair as Luna. Luna couldn't make out the mysterious girl's surroundings, as the leaf was too small. "Luna, you won't know of me, but I wish you luck on your quest." The girl sounded just like her, but Luna couldn't make sense of it all. How did she know her, and what quest? The girl smiled and disappeared. The trees whispered something into her ear. It was in a language she didn't understand. It told her 'Vos es donatus Consilium contemsisse.'

Luna and Jessica arrived at around four in the afternoon. Jessica went straight to her room to lie down. Luna was pretty sure her 'lying down' was more like a free-trial at death. Luna walked into the kitchen only to be shooed out by one of the cooks who was busily preparing for what seemed like the apocalypse. "I'm hungry!" Luna complained.
"Luna, could you take this to Jessica, I would myself but I'm very busy as some noble guests are to be dining here?" Maya said as she handed Luna a notebook, clearly insisting rather than asking. Luna rolled her eyes and began to walk to Jessica's room. It infuriated her how people treated her more as a servant rather than a lady. What was so special about a notebook anyway? Luna quickly realised it had Jessica's Diary scribbled in black ink on the first page. Luna's curiosity sky-rocketed, she wanted desperately to read it, to know what secrets Jessica was hiding but just couldn't bring herself to invade Jessica's privacy like that. She reluctantly closed the book and noticed the pages were uneven at the bottom, she tried to fix them and something shifted. She pulled it out and saw it was an envelope, an envelope she distinctly remembered. Her heart skipped a beat. This was the only thing on her mind for the last week, and she had finally been given the chance to read it. She grabbed the letter, careful not to damage the envelope, and began to read Dear Jessica…

By the time she had finished reading the letter her face had gone from pale to so white that she may as well be dead. She wanted to cry, she didn't think she could ever look Jacob in the face again. Silently she put the notebook directly outside Jessica's room, not wanting anyone, especially Jessica, to see her. She knew perfectly well that it was not Jessica's fault in the slightest, but it made her insides churn to even think that Jessica owned Jacob's heart. She thought she was going to be sick. Then came the grief. The overwhelming pain that the one person she wished would love her, sold his heart to not just anyone but her best friend. Her eyes stung as tears flooded her face, each one filling her mind with fears, longings and overwhelming grief. She felt like she was drowning. She was trapped. Chained to the bottom of a lake, each droplet of water threatening to drown her until she couldn't breathe. She had noticed her surroundings were dimmer, the colours seemed dark and the sky had turned to night. She thought it was just the illusion of her grief, but realised that it seemed too real, that or she was losing not only her happiness, but also her sanity. She realised something was missing. Something inside her, the same thing she had lost for months after her sister's death. It was her glow. Her talent. Her light. It was being held captive somewhere inside her soul, and as a result she had dimmed her surroundings. She could hear murmuring outside her door. Confusion filled the air. Luna didn't care, she was too intoxicated by her own suffrage to care. She just wished to disappear. Disappear from the harsh reality that she would never find love. She wanted to get away, so she did.

She crept into the cold, dark attic. Somewhere that no one ever went to. Her sanctuary. It was covered in a thick layer of dust and was filled with decades of junk. It was the only place in her entire home she felt was completely hers to explore. She forced herself to try to compress her grief, at least enough to make a tiny ball of light, so she could explore the attic. She focused on what she would look for. Perhaps a photo album? The light glowed just enough for her to make out her surroundings. She was in the middle of studying a stuffed bear to predict how old it was when something shined in the corner of her eye. She turned to face it. The dim light made it's shine stand out more. It was a book. Quite ironic since if she hadn't opened a book, she wouldn't even be in the attic in the first place. She didn't know whether to open it or not, in the fear of it being a worse secret then the one she had just found out. Its cover had a black dragon with a purple gleaming eye on it. The eye seemed to follow her around the room, waiting patiently for her. The title was in a forum language and was carved into the book. She wondered how such a beautiful book, clearly made specially by someone of significant importance, could end up in a filthy atic. The book persisted to slowly manipulate Luna's thoughts, waiting for her to open it. Luna didn't understand how a book could beckon her to open it. Perhaps she really was going insane. The book had a dark aura that seemed to flow around it, indicating power and corruption. It scared her. She tried harder and harder to free herself from its luring grip. She felt sweat trickle down her face. She began to panic, but knew there was nothing she could do. She couldn't fight the attraction any longer and opened the book…

I had the strangest dream. A young girl walked into my shop, I couldn't see her face as she was wearing a thick cloak. A young lad was with her, he looked wary as if he had been on a long journey. The girl grew my curiosity, as if she were neutering a flower watching it grow and grow. I felt something special about her, she was like me. Her presence was calming, the room was dull and she appeared to light it up. It seemed she needed my help, she approached me about to speak but then the world went black and I awoke in my room, light shining out of my window, showcasing the pretty hills and gardens of the country. I can't help but wonder why a girl, whom I know nothing about, was in my dream or perhaps, just maybe… very curious indeed. She

-Lucifer Arthur.

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