

Beyond the Horizon
The sun was setting in the horizon. I watched it and wondered should I walk towards it or wait back. Walking towards it might be fun, but I really enjoy the sky view from where I'm standing.

I'm pretty sure it could be a little dangerous, even though its settings. Oh wow let me get my camera! Oh boy I cant find it! I need my camera, their are a couple birds flying in the air and that would make a wonderful photo.

Why cant I ever find my camera. I was getting so upset it was hard to calm down. So I sat on the pavement with my head up looking at the sky. While the birds were flying and the sun was setting and I had no camera. That would have been a beautiful photo for my wall.

All of a sudden I hear a car behind me. Someone said hey are you ok? what's wrong? I tell them I am a soon to be photographer, and the photo I wanted to enter is the horizon while the sun is setting but I dont have my camera.I'm pretty sure I have it I just umm...

Hey don't worry about it why don't you stand over their and I will take the shot with you in it. Really that sounds great. Ok smile. Snap. Ok can I see please? Omg that's wonderful. your so amazing! thank you!

As I'm walking back to my beach house looking at the photo I really can't believe how good this is. I cant wait to enter this in the contest its going to be great!