

Starlight In Victoria’s Eyes

* Chapter One * Eternity *

Jarred from sleep by her playful cats, as they ran across the bed, the Toyger twins at four years old, still behaved more like kittens than the tabby and siamese adult cats she was accustomed to.

Yet Victoria remained motionless, knowing her dream had meaning, as she listened to Andromeda and Quasar gallop through the house; Taking the time to replay the dream imagery in her mind, twice, determined for it to become a permanent part of her long-term memory;

*She saw herself standing in the backyard of her childhood family home, alone in the darkest night, scanning each of her neighbor’s houses for lights, when an iridescent shimmer of color flickered above, looking up with curiosity as all the stars began to flow, as if each had a life of their own, watching as they formed an identical picture of her, and was immediately drawn to the stars forming her eyes, suddenly aware that they were also watching her and that all eternity existed at this moment when like a spark, her bedroom light came on and was shinning upon her bare younger feet, now realizing she was twelve years old again, looking up she saw her nineteen old self, standing at the window looking down upon her, saying “You are the Universe.”*

Yet this was a morning like all others, being a freshman in the community college, the madness of family tripping over one another at breakfast, being tender to her kitten-cats, but at the exact moment she locked the front door, a wave of Déjà vu swept through her “You are the Universe.”

* Chapter Two * Eyes *

And there was Vincent, chatting with four friends as if they were waiting for someone. Victoria had always felt Vincent was kind, even cute in a nice way, just not the type to be attracted to, after all, he was two years older and they had known each other...