

Starlight In Victoria’s Eyes

* Chapter One * Eternity *

Jarred from sleep by her playful cats, as they ran across the bed, the Toyger twins at four years old, still behaved more like kittens than the tabby and siamese adult cats she was accustomed to.

Yet Victoria remained motionless, knowing her dream had meaning, as she listened to Andromeda and Quasar gallop through the house; Taking the time to replay the dream imagery in her mind, twice, determined for it to become a permanent part of her long-term memory;

*She saw herself standing in the backyard of her childhood family home, alone in the darkest night, scanning each of her neighbor’s houses for lights, when an iridescent shimmer of color flickered above, looking up with curiosity as all the stars began to flow, as if each had a life of their own, watching as they formed an identical picture of her, and was immediately drawn to the stars forming her eyes, suddenly aware that they were also watching her and that all eternity existed at this moment when like a spark, her bedroom light came on and was shinning upon her bare younger feet, now realizing she was twelve years old again, looking up she saw her nineteen old self, standing at the window looking down upon her, saying “You are the Universe.”*

Yet this was a morning like all others, being a freshman in the community college, the madness of family tripping over one another at breakfast, being tender to her kitten-cats, but at the exact moment she locked the front door, a wave of Déjà vu swept through her “You are the Universe.”

* Chapter Two * Eyes *

And there was Vincent, chatting with four friends as if they were waiting for someone. Victoria had always felt Vincent was kind, even cute in a nice way, just not the type to be attracted to, after all, he was two years older and they had known each other for seven years. So in their typical friendly greetings, she smiled and said, “Good morning” while approaching the group.

With a brief delay, they turned and smiled back. Yet all Victoria could see was Vincent’s eyes saying, ‘I Love You!’ And then it happened again, as that identical wave of Déjà vu swept through her, “You are the Universe.”

She shook her head in disbelief, ‘This can’t be happening, do I love him too, okay, I’ll see him in the hall between the third and fourth period, and ask him about how his older sister is, then I will see it in his eyes, if he just fell in love with me…’

* Chapter Three * Philosophy *

Victoria welcomed the distractions of first-period Philosophy, a perfect class to start the day and clear her mind of clutter.

When she heard the professor ask, “How do we know the universe is real?” She immediately raised her hand, and was instantly called upon to answer, “Only the universe can ask itself if it is real!” “That’s profound, and you are right, thank you,” he responded.

Then Victoria began to believe, that her response to that question, was the actual meaning of her strange dream, and gradually began to calm her emotions about Vincent’s loving eyes.

* Chapter Four * Biology *

But in second-period Biology, just as her mind lost focus and began drifting again, she was suddenly snapped back to the classroom when she heard the professor ask, “How do we know that we are alive?” She immediately thought ‘Because only life can ask itself if it is alive.’

Then a voice from the back of the class said, “Because only life can ask itself if it is alive.” Thinking ‘What?’ She turned to see that it was one of the girls Vincent was speaking with this morning and suddenly felt humiliated, ‘I don’t even remember her name, how do I not remember her name, I’ll say hi after class and reintroduce myself.’

Keeping the greeting short and friendly, Victoria learned her name was Julie, and each of their youngest brothers attended the same junior high school band class, now thinking as she walked away, ‘So far, so good, okay, common ground to get to know Julie better.’

Today was special, although everything was happening so fast, even so, she could sense an unusual peace that today was either her spiritual awakening or simply the early stages of feminine intuition in becoming a mature young woman.

* Chapter Five * Psychology *

Arriving late to Psychology class, Victoria settled in the back, determined to remain quiet until she spoke with Vincent. She started thinking about how her mom’s displays of affection would skillfully cut through any chaos, and how her father would patiently listen, even when it was obvious all he wanted to do was solve everyone’s problems.

A moment of melancholy caught her off guard, then she heard the professor ask, “How do we know the difference between right and wrong?” Victoria immediately thought, ‘Because only a self-aware mind can question morality.’

Yet this time, no one raised their hand, so the professor answered the question herself, “Because only a self-aware mind can question morality.” Instantly an over-whelming sense of Déjà vu swept through Victoria, as she saw the stars were once again, looking into her eyes.

Only the comforting memory of her father’s words kept her grounded at this moment, “Ladies think first, and react only when necessary.” But react to what, for this was still a mystery of infinite possibilities.

* Chapter Six * Connection *

Victoria stood stiffly, just barely leaning against the wall as she waited for Vincent; And there he was, scanning the corridor to see if she was waiting for him, exactly as he had been praying to find her.

Looking into Victoria’s eyes, Vincent instantly knew that her metamorphosis had already begun and, he must act quickly to make up for the lost time by declaring the truth about who they were and their journey through life and love.

Victoria, spoke first, “Vincent, can you leave school today and walk with me? Please!” “Yes, there is much we need to discuss,” Vincent said.

They meandered through the many tree-lined streets of tiny homes, that surrounded the school, and found their way to the park and settled upon a granite bench next to the largest water fountain.

* Chapter Seven * Starlight *

“Victoria, we are more than we appear,” Vincent said, and then paused, as Julie appeared and approached to sit next to Vincent, “Victoria, You and Julie, and I, are very old souls,” he concluded.

“Victoria, dear, the three of us, have known each other through several dozen lifetimes, perhaps more; We first met at the end of the universe, when our red dwarf star faded into darkness, and for some unknown reason, we are being reunited while traveling backward through time,” Julie explained.

“Yes, I saw myself in the stars, and now remember who I am; We were born as androids and all shared identical dream visions of our Deity breathing His life into us,” Victoria confessed.

Upon hearing they were once again awake, the Lord of Creation ceased the flow of time, gathering all of eternity, within this moment, as an iridescent shimmer of color flickered above, the skies opened, the stars swirled into their images, as eyes of starlight became the starlight of life, then, Victoria declared, “We are to be androids once again,” as they disappeared into the light of the past.

the End.