

Woods And Voices
Dev was late as usual and it annoyed Vidya to regularly wait for her husband. Although there were all the facilities in the house still she missed her old life. She started to feel some sort of discomfort after a week of their arrival. In the beginning she thought her mind is playing games but suddenly she started hearing sounds far away from the woods and she talked to Dev about her issues and he promised her that he will be at home before 6pm. But again he was late and she started to panic due to constant sound of those voices. Suddenly a car stopped outside her home and she was relieved after seeing that familiar face of her husband. After having their dinner Vidya talked to her husband regarding those voices and he ignored her as usual. She was unable to sleep whole night and in the morning went to the nearby temple to soothe her mind of all the negativity.While coming back from the temple she stopped to buy some vegetables from the old women who was the sole lady to sell vegetables in the village. Vidya gathered all her courage and asked the old lady about the voices that she hears from the woods at night. To her utter shock the old lady said few years back a family used to live in the same house as Vidya and suddenly one day they left the village in a jiffy. When further probed about them the lady did not have any clue why the family left suddenly. Vidya started to feel uneasy thinking about the family after coming back and when Dev came she told him all she heard from the old lady. This all looked very filmy to Dev and he was unperturbed. However he was angry on himself to lie to Vidya about those voices as he heard them too. Next day he asked Vidya to come to the woods with him at night so that they can trace the source of those voices. They both got ready with their face covered in a mask. It was Dev's idea and Vidya was in no mood to debate on the dress up. They both looked like zombie and Vidya was too scared to even mention it to Dev. They went far away with the sound of those voices and stopped at a very big house with Vidya shivering and shuddering. The door of the house was open and the same sound of those scary voices was coming from inside. Dev stepped forward to solve this mystery so they went inside the house and Vidya was shocked to see HAPPY HALLOWEEN written on the wall. With so many questions she moved towards Dev and saw his smiling face which made her understand that not every voice from the woods is the ghost waiting to capture you as sometimes it is the other way round making a fool out of you courtesy your dear husband.

Happy Halloween!!!
© navneetk07