

The Cursed Mirror: A Journey into the Unknown
As they walked down the dimly lit hallway, the mirror seemed to follow their every move. Its intricate gold frame was tarnished and chipped, yet the glass surface was surprisingly pristine. The group of explorers had heard stories of this mansion for years, but none of them had ever ventured inside. The rumors of the cursed mirror made them all the more hesitant to enter.

As they approached the mirror, one of the bolder members of the group, a young woman named Lily, stepped forward to get a closer look. The others watched nervously as she stood in front of the mirror, examining her reflection.

Suddenly, Lily's expression changed. Her eyes widened with fear as she reached out to touch the glass. Before anyone could react, she was sucked into the mirror and disappeared.

The remaining members of the group were stunned. They had heard the rumors, but they never believed them to be true. Now, faced with the terrifying reality of the cursed mirror, they knew they had to act quickly if they were to save their friend.

Without hesitation, they stepped towards the mirror and jumped through it one by one. The journey through the mirror was a surreal experience. The world on the other side was distorted and twisted, like a funhouse mirror come to life.

After what felt like an eternity, they emerged on the other side. To their surprise, they found themselves in a beautiful garden, surrounded by lush greenery and blooming flowers. Lily was there, unharmed but shaken from the experience.

As they made their way back through the mansion, they couldn't help but wonder what other secrets it held. The cursed mirror was just the beginning, and they knew they would never forget the eerie feeling of being trapped inside it.
© Ranjot Chahal