

Before the Flood
When men began to increase in number on the earth, beautiful daughters were born to them. Then the fallen angels saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they married any of them they chose. The offspring of fallen angels and daughters of men was called " Nephilim" they were half human and half demon and as their number increased, man's wickedness on the earth had become great. In that time, every inclination of the thoughts of man's heart was only evil all the time and there is no good that remains in them. Nephilim were the heroes and renown at that time.

The Creator saw that wickedness increased greatly and his creation was corrupt because the fallen angels and daughters of men breaks his principle by marrying mortal to immortal one.
The Creator does not designed man to marry immortal being and it breaks his heart by seeing his creation destroyed its origin.


The Creator grieved so much and his heart was filled with pain that he felt sorry that he made them. So he decided to put an end all the people and all the creatures that move along the ground through flood, for the earth is filled with violence and wickedness was so great that it rises to the heavens.
© cladyalyanna@col128