

1 million years
Our civilization is called the Seawarriors
We build our cities and temples in the
middle of the Atlantic ocean an artificial
Island in shape of a star with a port
in every corner
Our cities are made of gold, silver and
granite. We have the best work force
and power to acchieve anything we desire
We control the trade from around the
world. Our gardens grow every fruit and vegetable we need
We have the best weapons with
lazer beams
we have ships and aircraft in case of wars
In the center of our island is our temple
Where we have our knowledge a library
we inhereted from our ancestors
Books and golden plates, manuals and templates to constuct every
weapon and aircraft known to men
Millions of inventions and ideas
it's our most guarded treasure
many try to invade but fail
We are a great nation powerful
and deadly
to be continued

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