

(It is a dim snowy evening in Saint Nicolas Falls. The Sun is hidden behind some gray clouds, temperature is oh so low, and the weather forecaster is calling for a slight chance of rain. Being Sunday, most of the town is in afternoon church. After afternoon church, mostly everyone ran off to there homes and do whatever they did for fun. The other bunch of people had to run off to work to make ends meet. The better off half always wound how the other side of humanity is getting along with there life's.

Here in Saint Nicolas Falls, even some people or families have some set backs. Sometimes in life everything dose not always happen like we planned it, but we do not give up. We must try, try, and try again and never give up. Sometimes, in Saint Nicolas Falls, we must never give up.

Leaving from the back of the afternoon church at Saint Nicolas Falls, before anyone noticed him, was the homeless child, five year old Mac Hardee. Mac Hardee lost his parents at the age of three when they both froze while swimming. No one knew anything about Mac Hardee so, the baby crawled his way through the safe streets of Saint Nicolas Falls. Being so little for anyone to notice, Mac Hardee lived off dog food and scraps of other people's food just to get by. Every once and awhile, Mac Hardee would go down to SAINT NICOLAS FALLS CHURCH and learn how to read by Pastor John.)

Mac Hardee: Hello, Pastor John. Will you help me to read more of The Holy Bible today?

Pastor John: Oh, I would be honored to, Mac Hardee, but I believe that you already know much about The Holy Bible. I have started with THE NEW TESTAMENT and ended with THE OLD TESTAMENT.

Mac Hardee: We have, my Father? I just love reading The Holy Bible here with you. I have never told anyone this, but when I grow up, I want to be a pastor just like you.

Pastor John: That is sweet, Mac Hardee. I, for one, believe that you can do anything that you set your mind to.

Mac Hardee: Do you really mean it, Pastor John? I wish to become a pastor, but my parents...

Pastor John: I have a question for you, Mac Hardee. Why have not ever seen your parents? I am sure they are sweet and humble like you.

Mac Hardee: I lost both of my parents in a swimming exdent. The only parent that I have is our Father in Heaven now.

Pastor John: Come, stay at my house. It may not be much, but our Father in Heaven would not think much of me if I let you live out in the cold.

(As Pastor John and Mac Hardee traveled to the pastor's home, Mac Hardee was amazed. Even though Pastor John lived in an apartment, it was a paradise to Mac Hardee. Mac Hardee was all warm and comfortable. Seeing little Mac Hardee brung a tear to Pastor John's eyes. When Mac Hardee seen Pastor John cry a little bit, Mac Hardee was shocked.)

Mac Hardee: Why are crying, Pastor John? Did I say something?

Pastor John: No, it is not that. People live here and there in all different kinds of areas. There is one thing that all homes need.

Mac Hardee: And what is that, Pastor John?

Pastor John: No matter where you live that is if it is in a box, apartment, house, or a manor, everyone has to be loved. Even though you are one of my church members, I love all of just the same. Our Father in Heaven, God, and I both love you just the same. Quietly think, will you become my son?

Mac Hardee: Really? I will be honored to become your son. I will still hold my parents in my heart.

(After Mac Hardee became Pastor John's son, ten years later Mac Hardee became a pastor. Pastor John and Pastor Mac married beautiful women and lived a good Christian relationship. As all four lived a happy, caring, respectful relationship together, they all lived happily ever after in Saint Nicolas Falls.) THE END