

After struggling every single day to move on.
After not being able to get over those thousands of memories.
After not being able to erase your smile from my head.
After not being to unlove you even on the nth try.
One day I woke up to realise that I don't need to move on.
People who are in love can't and don't need to move on.
I asked myself one question. Am I that weak enough to not love someone just because of their absense. If yes then maybe my love wasn't strong enough.
You know you've loved hard when you can love them in absense and not only during their presense.
So, I tell myself, it's ok maybe it's the time you make your illusions come true.
I do miss him. I miss his touch, I miss his presense, I miss his voice, I miss everything about him but above all I love him to an extent which no universe take away from me.
So fuck you destiny, maybe you can stop him from being in my life but u can't make me unlove him.