

I always dream
When a man truly loves you he don't have to tell you, you know it you feel it. A man shows you in his touch his voice that entire man speaks love. He wants you to know he loves you with a special care. Yeah you both get mad once in a while but love will only let that go so far. A man that love you is never going to hurt you no kinda way no matter how mad he gets. Looka here what I said was a Man not something that call himself a man. I'm talking about the kind that God gave the name Man.
There are some of those that still exists that truly know how to take care of you. They make you want to take care of them because they takes care of you. It was late after we made love so we both stayed silent and drifted off to sleep. The next morning I just laid there pretending to sleep to see if he was asleep. See I wanted to sneak out so he wouldn't see my body.
I'm not one of those skinny not even what you call a fit woman. I'm kinda partial about my body. He looked sleep so I tried to move so he could feel me. I got one leg out, where you going he asked? I thought you were asleep I'm going to make breakfast. I was still holding the sheet up covering my body he reached behind my back pulling me back down in the bed. I was on my back he was over me, why you hiding he asked
At this point feelings from nowhere flowed throughout my entire body. He could feel my mood change he pulled at the sheet I held on to it tight. He just laid there for a second he looked at me with a look that his eyes said let go. I slowly let my fingers slacken letting him slide the sheet off.
I was scared to say anything, he looked at me then at my body. He softly ran the back of his fingers from the middle of my breast down my stomach looking at me in the eye. He kissed my stomach then pull the sheet down farther. His hands softly explored my legs each time looking me in the eye.
Jay I don't know who made you self-conscious about your body your looks appearances you're beautiful to me.
It took me losing someone that I loved to learn to love the entire woman. Looks about a woman can sometimes make you loss the best part of love. I had this thing about love I wanted to feel but I didn't. I couldn't feel everything that love had to offer because I let looks get in the way.
I never could feel this love guys are telling me about because I was half cocked. Some of us don't want love basically because we never had a woman like you to make us reach it.
My spirit lifted his hand was still exploring my body I could hear the seriousness in his voice. For some all we want is that feeling that you get from sex. Jay I'm talking about men and women just that feel that sex give.
That was me some years ago because I wanted to just be one of the boys.
That's not what I'm looking for, now I want to feel what love is. I've learned to be content with is not make.
I read something somewhere that said 'touch my soul and you can have my heart. I know that I will never understand that until it happens he said. I learned that the Lord put the best within not without. Yes most that that look very good is just for the eyes only. But Lord knows that the best is so deep that most never get.
Jay the best stuff is on the inside that's the life the love. Yes there are better looking women than you better looking men than me. A blind person will only fall in love with the way their being treated. That care in the voice the touch that you can't see.
Jay I'm lovin in the blind, so I want to love you that I can't see first. So I've learned not to look over what is there but to love all of it.

© Blue