

Blade Teeth
It looks like an article out of the blog! Grimy pablo! Nutty curry words hitting my head. Thoughts to ponder but letter are jumping infront of my eyes. I should collect them, chew them and utter something that makes you wiggle. So that, my readers jiggle too. A roller coaster of bugging emotions that will host you to enjoy my vulnerable reading track. Ready! Immensely filled with excitement to read the blog. Let's pull it off!
Everyone has friends around right? Each one of them is like a puzzle piece of its own unique size , shape and color to fit in your affinity. You all relish together and are quite fond of each other. Even if one is missing, anyone, it feels like the day is incomplete. Suddenly, you are on a whim. You try to recall the person in your behavior to overcome the emptiness. All are around, except that one person. Although, usually you don't talk much inperson but you enjoy him being a part of your group. As the time passes, you start missing that guy even more. Ever felt why? It's because you have unconciously built an attachment level to that person.
The real reason of this bonding is other person's devotion and loyalty towards you. You have met thousands, I mean thousands and thousands of people but that one person is unforgettable. That was your biggest emotional support, your helping hand, a great listener, a toothbrush to your life. Whenever life got harder on you, he was always available. He was the one who was fulfilling all your voids. But you never noticed and he never overpowered you. He was the most real perhaps the best faithful person in your life. There might be one or two persons of such category you have ever met.
You know! We in our life are amalgamation of teeth in mouth like we belong to a particular family. But outside we need some energetic support if family gets disrupted. At that moment, only friends like toothbrush arrive to provide you with fullest active support system. Infact, they gather help from their tooth paste and floss to help you from all around too. These are the friends to be cherished the most and these are only recognised in your hardest times. They don't flatter your with their words but do act upon when you need them the most. Identify that toothbrush or floss or toothpaste around you! They just persist, no matter what, and it's their key quality.
Rather you should own blade teeth to identify the fake ones. Remember! Right ones will bleed but will stay and will clean your way.
© msaminafy