

A good deed
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had
reached a dead end.
ohh! where should I go?
I can't stay here for long , I don't know anyone here .
No I can't die , it can't be the end .
why you wanna kill me? I don't know why this revenge ? please don't do !

Hey what happened?are you fine Vineet ?
Vineet woke up and replied to the nurse.
Vineet - Actually it was a horrifying dream.
nurse - ohh, it happens. go and get the fresh air for minutes you will feel good.
the weather outside is really pleasent.
Vineet - oh thank you that's a good idea.
nurse - but come back soon , tomorrow doctor might discharge you after knowing your state of recovery .
Vineet - yes ma'am , I will be back soon.
weather is really nice , I wish I would have been in the college . However big a hospital is it never makes one feel comfortable. a sense of fear is always there, a dream when combined gives a deadly feeling as it happened with me.
suddenly I heard some unusual sounds like someone is trying to communicate .
I pierced through the small glass in the door , I saw a bowl felt on the ground by a man on the hospital bed. it seemed like he needed some help. I opened the door as I opened it , I saw there was a nurse who was sleeping while sitting on the chair . I woke her up . she called the doctor . doctor came and gave him injections and changed the intra cap from his wrinkled hands.
after the treatment was over , doctor said the nurse it was really important that you called me by time .if it would be a little late he would have passed away .
Nurse was standing ashamed she told "doctor , I don't know how I felt asleep.
it was this boy who saved him. " he woke me up.
Doctor - Kid you did a great job today.
air would have entered through this leaking intra cap and he would have collapsed.you saved a life .
Vineet - Doctor uncle it was all by god's grace, and after him it's you who did it.

when in the morning vineet's parents came to take him back to the home .they were preparing discharge sheets that few people came in the cabin . They were the relatives
of the man who was saved by Vineet last night .
They all thanked Vineet and blessed him.