

My sister
Met him after 5 years.Last time when I saw him he was just a kid.Now he seems like grown-up.

5 years ago.....

My parents were the best couple i have ever seen.They always keep smiling and make us smile .My sister is my best friend then.We used to share a lot of stuff and enjoyed a lot together.As we both live in hostels when we are off to home it I'll be like a festival in there we both make a lot of noise and i always enjoy her company.

While like this first time my sister was away frome home, she went on a business trip to Bangalore.I felt really empty , not at home but in my heart.
Days just passed like that.

1 week passed away she didn't even responding to my calls.I thought that she was stressed with work so I don't like to disturb her.

One fine day still I'm on my bed,for the first time I heard my dad shouting louder and my mom is literally crying I woke up and when I entered the hall I was really surprised looking at my sister,actually she eloped with a guy in her office,she married him.That was the last day I saw her.I just can't believe that she done this for our family.

After few days I heard that she was blessed with a boy.Though I'm happy for her but I can't forget the day she stood in front of us with that guy.Whatever happened is happened I tried my level best to convince my parents but no use they really felt like heart broken.She should have approached them before getting married they may have accepted her choice they may respected their love.But,now it's all over.

It took 5 years to convince my parents.At last my dad said call them for lunch .

After 5 years I met him for the first time he looks like my dad everything sorted out,we all are happy now

© milky