

Kittens Dragon and Knight (1)
Pretty girls so ready to play and ready to stay...
Some day... Yes, I know some day...
You'll have to go away.

For now we can feed you...
I'm like a knight bird... Sometimes
writing until 3:00 in the morning...
watching you stay...
My goodness you're still outside my

Oh I wish you could travel and I wish I could afford for all of us...
You can't howl, so like tiny lions you growl at your food bowls with
passion matching wolves howling
at a big moon.

Soon, maybe someday soon, you'll have a home.

I'll let you know you're sweet and cute.
I'll make sure you understand not to give pain with those sharp little claws.
I'm sorry this isn't where you'll stay and feeding you makes you think this place is where you'll be forever...

Ah so young little Dragon and Knight.

You play fight in the light and dark.

White and black fur...

So lovingly dedicated to cuddles and life with us knight birds.

You two are like night and day, but
love strongly in each of your ways.

© LilohaIsMsH