

shadows vill-part 3
I grab the missings person files off the cabinet and head out,
In the day the grey seemed sustain itself more and more as time past driving down the road I could berly see, it's moment was so silent as I thought to myself, thinking this will be just like any other mission I have ever done.
Nothing sturd yet I my life.
With my confidence I park my car on the other gated side of shadows vill, peaking through gate of it's intrence I get a look of what I would be dealing with as my time here and my investigation of 5 people that despaired here last month as they treaded into this Oasis of the lost, as I opened the intrence to get in to the longely town of quite and still silence, as move ferther and ferther in I look around me, it was like I was being watched by objects that seem to move on there own learking in it's shadows like something is awaiting my arrival. Like something knew I was coming, with a creep astill I noticed certain items on the ground as I scave and prawl my surroundings with my moving eyes as I looked deeper in.
I pull out my tape recorder to have a memory of word spoke notes piece by piece as I collect what I find and gather what I discover in my wake.
© she licks my heart's desire