

Not straight, ain't wrong !

A year before I got to know the world of love a bit more. I knew gays existed lesbians did as well as bisexuals but, I just saw it as a kid. I'm still a kid in it but a bit matured kid. I saw it as 2 boys in sexual relationship. Just the way the world taught me to see it. I used to steal glances when I saw em for the first time. Now I feel bad realizing how bad it must've felt for them.

Now I see gays/lesbians as 2 people in love. 2 people who choose each other irrespective of their gender. I respect it as much as I do a normal relationship. I know LGBT community isn't normal in today's world but I believe that in the future not far will be a day when all kind of sexual preferences will be accepted. Cause we are the future.

I , not anymore feel anything different seeing gays/lesbians cause it's normal for me. Cause I understood love a bit more. Cause I understood human nature a bit more. If they decided to stay together, against what the world will offer them, even after knowing it. Then it must be worth it. I don't have the right to judge someone when I don't know a thing about it. Being different isn't wrong, it just feels different so it takes time to get accepted.

If there are alright with it
If they are in love with it
Why go against it ?
If it ain't wrong why bother ?
Especially when you don't know a thing about what they've gone through or how they feel. If you can't support them try, just try to understand. That one thing could make all the difference in the world.

I believe in love & love can come in different forms.
Being different isn't wrong,
it takes a lot to be one,
to accept it,
to go through it.
Please don't make it any more difficult.
After all,
all of us need a bit more love and care to live in this world than you think.

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