

Off The Deep End
It has been 3 years since she left. My heart shattered like glass the day she told me she was leaving. I could barely eat, or stand. I became a depressed mess, and I couldn't recognize myself.

She never called, or left a message. Before we'd text each other every day. Not a moment would pass where we didn't talk to each other. Until a week before summer.

She showed up at my doorstep with a seldom expression, her car was parked behind her with another man sitting in the driver's seat. When she stepped inside and sat quietly on my sofa I knew something was wrong.

There was no sadness in her voice, it was cold and monotoned. She looked me straight in the eyes and told me the words that left me broken and depressed.

She left that evening without looking back, driving away with that man. I broke down that night, my mother tried to console me but I was a lost case.

Days passed, months went by and I got worse. I almost committed suicide and had to go to therapy. My mother had enough and moved us away.

Away from the town I onced called home, the town we've spent years together, me and her as little kids playing. Tears fell from my eyes, she was gone and she was never coming back. All those years were for nothing.

It sounded silly, why take a life for a girl. Maybe it's because it was the girl that saved my life. That accident that left me without a kidney, she offered me one of her own and lived.

If were not for her, I would've been dead. She did it again when I almost fell from a cliff. She had caught my arm and pulled me up. I would've drowned in the water below. We were only six then.

I was indepted to her and forever will be grateful. We got together at age 14 when I confessed my love. She reciprocated my feelings and we were happy.

We were together for years. Until that day when she left without a reason more than it was over. Our love was gone, sinking in the sea. And I was sinking too.

Drowning in a tsunami of my emotions, not being able to surface, sinking, and I can't swim.

I didnt know what was going to happen. The years passed one after the other. I started over, living ok. My mother helped wherever she can. I had a nice quiet log cabin in the woods by a beautiful creek connected to a gorgeous waterfall. Not to far from society.

I was ok, lost, hurt but ok. And I thought nothing would change. I'd be alone, living my life as a software developer and wildlife photographer.

I was fine with my dog Butch and my wolf friend I named Mill. I still cried at night and I still stare at our pictures I hid in a box. And I never thought I'd love again, or at least had the feeling.

Well, not until that girl came running in my house, screaming help and collapsing in my arms after. I didn't know her, but she knew me.

I didn't know what it was, but I knew it was something. Maybe her fiesty words and sarcastic comments did a change in me.

Maybe her lively personality brightened up my cabin a little more, her kindness made it felt more like a home.

And before I could process it she's saving me from the bite of a snake. And then I was falling again. But this time, I was gonna catch myself. And maybe just maybe I won't get hurt again.

© WarningKoala