

Seven Angels part 5
Days were not to stop, the three males grew up and cuteness diminished but their innocence was the same still. They had now become sturdy and good enough to shout and defend themselves from other dogs.
One day we observed that the second brown dog appeared bigger and tougher than the other two as he used to snatch their part of food also. We had to scare him to keep away and let the other two get their part so that they can grow well. When he was filled he used to wag his tail on us showing his back and then turn to see if we were noticing him if we ignored him he used to do it again until we attended him. In a few days, he started jumping on us as soon as we came on the road, he came to my father's thighs. We were, however, instilled from his efforts to grab our attention towards him and wanting more love than the other two. The only black colored dog was always injured that's what was stopping his adequate growth. The other brown dog had no interest in learning new tricks. He never tried actually. The interesting thing about the black dog was that he used to take his part away behind the card and eat it peacefully and all alone cause he had the fear of losing it.
We named them the dark one as Blacky the sturdy brown dog as hero and the small brown dog my favourite geo.

Stay tuned...
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