

Body shaming!
First i want everyone to know what is Body Shaming. Body shaming is nothing but treating a person very badly because of the way they look. But most of the people doesn't understand that outside appearance is nothing but a matter of flesh and skin which fades over time. This generation is fixed to a mindset that people who look perfectly beautiful are the best ones while people who look different are useless and worthless. Body shaming has become a major issue which many people doesn't open up and talk. There are many youngsters who take these criticism seriously. Because of these criticism they are put into stress and depression. They should understand that real beauty lies within and not with their appearance. Why i chose this topic because i was a victim of Body Shaming. I felt completely worthless because I was "Fat". I was not responsible for being fat but my health and gene played a very good role in it. I felt very bad when people called me Motti (fat). Some people used to tell me that my beauty is all covered up with my weight. I was frustrated and depressed. At one point of time i lost faith in myself. Let me share a incident of criticism when I was walking with my friends and from no where a group of three boys shouted at me saying "hey fatty"!. (I was like what the hell man? which i said openly but inside my mind -) I was shattered and felt like pouring out in the middle of the road. This happened just a year ago and wasn't so easy for me to come out of that. When i shared this incident to a friend, that person was like ofcourse you should lose weight or else everyone will call you like that. I never said that i would not do anything to reduce my weight but what's the point is that the person who knows you well itself doesn't understand you. Whenever i attend wedding functions or any other parties, I feel like why did i even come here ? . Seeing all those beautiful women out there with gorgeous outfits, i was broken because i couldn't wear any of those just because i was fat!. It was not out of jealousy but it was painful for me. I literally stopped going out, I resticted myself from stepping out to any parties. But days passed and soon i realised one thing that I'm fat and I know that and i have nothing to do with what people think about me who doesn't even understand me or support me. Just a day before i was crying hard that why couldn't I lose some weight? Then i thought its fine lets try our best and I stopped having those complex in mind and started going out with a lot of confidence. Though I was physically happy, I was completely broken emotionally. This Body Shaming is not just for fat girls or boys but also for people who are slim enough. They are being criticized for being too slim and people like us are criticized for being too fat. I really understood one thing that we should not live for the society but for ourselves. It's fine to be Fat, Slim, too fat or too slim. Be with someone who really appreciate you and support you to create a better version of You and not with people who constantly pressuring you to change for the sake of what society will think. Just be YOU. 😊💫

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