

We we have to dwell
I think it's most revolving thought in our mind That where we have to dwell
Future, past or present?
Firstly, Let us consider about future
FUTURE ~ Our future lies in uncertainy, as we don't know that what will be happening tomorrow, we don't have to think to much about our future
PAST~ Past is about your blenders Your past is your journey of what you are today and for what you are standing today, you didn't know about what you could be today
So you don't have to dwell in past
Yesterday you were in rush to have something in life or to be someone.
PRESENT is what you become someone, you ever wished to be in life
To grow up in life you don't have to dwell in past and future is uncertain, we don't know anything about it that what would be happen tomorrow, so you just have to dwell in a meaningful present because your meaningful present is what that could make you worthy in future and provide you zeal to explore more and to laugh over your past

Conclusion is that you neither have to live in past nor have to worry about uncertainty (Future)
You just have to live in your present
once you mold your present beautiful
your future will also be worthy
And PAST ~LET IT BE GO......