

the last five minutes
so here I am closing up the kitchen again again how can that be I mean I feel like I've wrapped this nine pan and this Baines a thousand times already. now im.filtering the deep fryers.and for some reason I feel under the fryer and I pull piece of metal with what look like scratch marks 50 of them and I don't know what compels me to scratch another one on there thus making 51. so I get up to wrap up the last baine and it occurs to me I don't do night shifts I stopped doing them a year ago when I started up school again chef told me it was cool as long as I could open which I do so why the fuck am I closing up now huh? now that I think of it I haven't seen Chef of memo or cuycuy or Benito or Chino none of the guys at all. now I been doing this chef thing for a bit now 10 years to be exact ever since my dad said get A job or get out so I got a job didn't know it would become a lifestyle or a career. now the life of a cook/chef/kitchen rat whatever you want to call us goes like this and you're going to work everybody else getting off of work when you're getting off of work everybody else is going to bed when you're going to bed everybody else getting up and when you're getting up everybody else getting off work that's just how it goes you going to miss holidays birthdays especially events of any kind because you're going to be working those days the kitchen is slammed every holiday and guess who gets to live it out you do ain't that a dream but the worst I mean the absolute worst is the last 5 minutes you see it never fails that some a****** wants to come in and order something at the very last 5 minutes it never fails every damn time you're all closed up you ready to go and Bam you get hit with an order and just like I knew it as soon as I wrap that last pan comes another order and the ticket printer goes crazy. but seeing as there is nobody here to monitor what I'm doing and obviously nobody to monitor food cost I decided to go a little crazy with this order none of your typical menu s*** that we always have I'm going to do it my own way so I sear some u ten scallops and serve them out on a bed of rock salt with some shredded Daikon radish cucumber and carrot with a little bit of rice wine after that I passed out some udon noodles I throw in some chopped beef you know they kind of has the fleshy tendony bits and a little bit of green onion Fried egg on top and Bam its a go to the second dish the third dish Green lip Northern mussels in a oyster sauce with tofu bits and a lovely garnish carrot flour to finish it up I serve up some suckling pig with roasted skin crackling like candy as soon as you bite into it with an Asian style Paia something on my own creation and hibiscus sorbet and coconut milk with black rice for dessert I don't know what's even crazier the fact that all this stuff is in the fridge that I want or the fact that nobody's stopping me for making any of this cuz this is way above our food cost but f*** it I'm going to do it anyway and I send the dishes out and I wait and as I wait I start to do you know what closing up the kitchen again wrapping up every pan wipe in the fryer down go filter the grease cleaning everything bit by bit only something amazing happens Chef comes back in the kitchen or it kind of looks like chef sort of it's a little blurry like looking at a photograph from a distance or looking at something underwater he says clock out grab my s*** and go home and I think really hell yeah so I grab my bags take off my gear change in my clothes get ready to go I'm about to hit the back door I certainly have a memory of everything I'm dead I mean at least I think I'm dead the last thing I remember Chef was getting into was some a****** customer I tried to call them both down guy pulls a gun there was a bullet that went off and I wake up in this kitchen wherever this kitchen is maybe this isn't my kitchen I open the back door to Swirly Blackness I wonder who the hell I just served dinner to or where the hell I'm going to go.
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