

dream 11305
the last night dream was a Las min attempt to withdraw my frear into my dreams . as I have moved beyond the frea of a dream unit a , excitement when I go to sleep instead of a dread.
last night I was with a tribe, they where facing a threat that wanted to destroy them.
they would rise up our of the ground, and say the last original tribe will come down, it will fall.
they where the size of buildings, large and without any warning, the dream was like a trip. flowing Lavalle lamps the world I was in floated there like a Bubble.
the wind.

the under world was rising up out of the ground, as they found us. we ran and they kept coming up our of the ground.

when I was chasing one, it lead me back to a house where I was greeted by resistance fighters. and they where bringing the fight down underground.
© TLTSU Samuel H Hunwick