

an angel for me but with a lot of trouble me
Sometimes destiny has a whole lot in store for you before finding your life's part. Gift was a quiet girl who wore glasses and always focused on her studies and avoided all problems. She was currently on her second year in University of Cape Town and 20 years old when her life took a hard spin.

Her life was always the same thing, go to school and back again to her rented home, without talking or walking with anyone and that was her cycle, also study hard. One night she went to a coffee shop to buy some cakes and coffee on her way back to her room and suddenly, boom! She bumped to someone and her coffee was spilled all over even on her top.
"Geez what have I done I'm so careless", she thought to her self.
"I'm so sorry, please forgive me", she managed to say to the figure she bumped to without raising her eyes to see him.
"Ohh don't sweat it, I should have also been paying more attention," the stranger said.
With those words and sweet voice she was sure to raise her eyes, with a little look at him, damn he was handsome, that tall and good built body, beautiful face, smile, also those lips and had a good personality too but that didn't make her lose her feet. Gift apologized again and left in a hurry and the handsome male was left there looking at this gorgeous women.
"What a beau...., oh shoot I didn't ask her name I'm such a fool", he said to himself quietly like a whisper.

Gift arrived at her house and was really tired from all the fast walking so she changed and went straight to bed. The next morning she heard forgotten about the sagas of the day before but not the image of that man but she certainly was not falling for him. Days went by and eventually to weeks too and her life was the same as always except that now there was a boy in her class that was always on her neck, he's name was Steve. It seemed he had feelings for her and sure he fell for the wrong girl. Let break him up, Steve was a player and the most popular guy who was full of himself and loved partying, I'm sure everyone sees he was a really bad boy. One morning Gift's desk mate and her friends asked her to accompany them to do some shopping and she couldn't say no as they were the only close people to her in the university life. So she went with them dragging herself all the way as she usually stayed in doors all the time. " This was fun ", her desk mate Lusy said as they were done and on their way home.

On their way to the car Gift spotted the handsome stranger down the road that she once bumped to in the coffee shop and butterflies and nervousness filled her stomach, she sure was not about to run into him again. So she nudged Lucy as the others were already infront and asked for them to cross the road immediately and walk on the other side and luckily for her Lucy agreed and they walked on the other side. By the time the handsome stranger saw them they were far and he was hurt to pass another opportunity talk to his mystery woman who makes his heart jump like crazy with just one word from her mouth but he was sure she had already forgotten about him.
"Why would she remember me, am I that special Nah," he thought and shook his head to stop fantasies. On that moment across the road Gift was relieved and as she looked ahead there was Steve and his friends, and that was another hell of a problem so she signalled Lucy to get back on the other side to their friends as they already have passed the stranger she was avoiding. As they were about to cross Steve spotted them and he was not about to let this chance pass him as Gift has been avoiding him all the time.
" No you don't !", Steve said and he ran to grab Gift. They crossed the road but Gift was not fast enough as Steve grabbed ahold of her and shouted at her friends to get to their car and leave.
"Don't worry I will give this princess a lift home, she is safe with me", he said with a bright smile. And Lucy and her friends did as told and left Gift with him. Steve didn't let Gift's hand out of his although she tried to struggle and left that place to his car with her.

The stranger saw Gift's struggle and was hurt so he went nearer to try to understand and help his fantasy princess. As he tried to fight for Gift, she was impressed and Steve saw the love in her eyes and was sure they knew each other. He didn't want any nuisances in his way so he ordered his friends with his eyes to take care of this man and before he knew it he was knocked unconscious. Steve putted him in his car and was going to release him when he was done with his plan for Gift. He took Gift to his room and was planning to lock her there until she agrees to be his and only his, he knew she had no boyfriend and never had so he was going to get that rare chance to have her. Steve locked the other man up in the room next to his to ask him some questions and get to know why he got to things that didn't concern him as he was sure the man does not have any relationship with Gift as she is not good with the social life and is always locked up in her room studying.
"This is going to be the best time of my life", Steve said with an evil laugh. One could say this is not love but instead wanting and have everything he want. The rooms were not locked but the main door leading out of the house was always securely locked and good for them their house had small windows as they were not going to take any chances because they knew Gift was intelligent and could try to escape any time.

When Steve and his friends went to school Gift went out of the room and went around the house to come up with a plan to escape. When she was deep in thought again crash! and she fell but the figure infront of her was fast as it grabbed her waist fast preventing her to fall to the cold floor instead she was held to his chest.
" Not again", she thought as she saw who she bumped to, again it was the mystery man.
"Sorry for everything", she said. This time the man moved away from her and cleared his throat without saying a word. She was sure it was her fault the man ended here with her although she has been thinking Steve freed him along the way as she fell asleep somewhere between the journey from all the stress and woke up in this house.
Finally the man broke the silence," We need to get out of here and I think that window can help,"
he said while pointing at the window on Gift's side. Gift didn't pay much attention to that as she was hurt that he was not able to look at her which showed he was really angry and probably hated her.
"Ohhh my God how can I be mad at such innocent beauty, I cannot even look at her without loosing control of my love for her," thought the man. Roar! They both snapped out of it because of the sound of Steve's car, they went to the window and although it was small they could adjust themselves to get through. The man went out first and just on the wall infront of the window so he will be the one to pull Gift as she would not be able to jump over. Gift tried to get through with the top of her body starting with the arms and head but failed, she tried and tried but still no success until one of Steve's friends spotted them.
"How can you get through cause you are well built woman, with those curves and shape, mmh Steve has the whole package here beautiful," said Steve's friend while he was going inside to hold back Gift.

On that moment Gift thought of another plan and she pulled herself back and got through the window with the legs and just like that she was out of the devil's house. Her stranger pulled her up the wall and they both began running, as they were about to go down to get to the road Steve and his friends were running after them in fact catching up so she asked the man his name and he said he is Raymond and without thinking Gift pushed him down and he rolled, Gift kept running although she knew this was goodbye to her man as she was about to be caught by Steve. The man rolled faster down to the road and was free and Gift had no energy left for running as she was just happy her plan worked and her stranger was free and Steve caught her and went back to the house.
"Good for him, he was not needed any way but you my dear it another story", said Steve as he pushed Gift against the wall and pinned himself on her. Gift didn't show any emotion on her face and Steve was angry as he wants to see her want him as much as he want her but she was a real hard to get. She spent days locked in the house and Steve trying hard to get her and touching and moving his eyes all over her. She was getting angrier and more disgusted by day and tried very hard to not let Steve have her and not even kiss her and that was a promise, she made sure he just drooled over her and fantasize only. Everyday she was trying to come up with a plan to escape until one cold night she got it, there was only one way out and that was give Steve what he wants.
Somewhere in the world, "I have to try and get my princess free and today is the day, I have to meet her again and get her name this time," siad Ray while rubbing his hands together.

Indeed this was the day they will meet again the problem is will Steve be able to control himself because Gift's plan is real bad, for her. You can play with anything but you cannot try giving a lion the zebra and hope to get it back without harm or any bites. Gift and Steve were all alone in the house as Steve's friend were out on a party and Steve hoped to go out with Gift as he also bought her a dress but she didn't want to go or see the dress so Steve also stayed behind to be with Gift all night and watch her in her hating every moment. The plan began as Steve was sitting near the bed where Gift was pretending to be asleep Gift got out of the bed and told Steve she was going to the bathroom and instead she went to the dining room where her pyjamas were and wore them and the pyjamas set was a top and shorts. Although the shorts were not too short or tight they showed her body shape perfectly and that was good for the plan, she also went to wash her face and although she was seemed to be going to sleep she was beautiful as someone going to a party and her face was really pretty.
"Aww! Steve can you come help me, I just slipped in the dining room," she said while pretended to be crying and sitting near the dining table.
"Oh no are you hurt, come sit so I can have a look at your foot," he said while lifting her to the sofa. Gift was not comfortable as he was too close but the plan was going accordingly, he couldn't take his eyes off her and she was not doing him any favour and the poor man was sweating and couldn't control himself anymore and he pinned her to the couch and started kissing her body and neck. Gift held Steve and tried to sit up and he allowed that and he was far away with the beauty he was seeing so he didn't feel it when she took the main door's key from his pocket.
"Wait Steve, first let eat supper that I made for us and you will continue," she said.
"Oka..y and are feeling fine, you are indeed acting funny," he said with a confused look.
Gift didn't say anything and just bought Steve his food and they ate, soon after finishing their food Steve was ready to make Gift his and her food also drove him more. He lifted her and held her hand leading them towards his room. Gift followed and when they were about to get to the room Gift pushed him inside and locked him inside the room.

She started running towards the door and opened it, it was really dark but she had to get her freedom today. As she got out, boom!, again she bumped to someone and she started shivering thinking it may be one of Steve's friends and she was sure if it was that she was in big trouble. When she looked up to her surprise it was the handsome man from before.
" R r ray...," she managed to stutter.
"Oh you and I still don't know your name but it looks like I'm already late at saving you as you already did it yourself, said Ray with a smile
"Oh thanks, I guess I should learn to wait a little," she said.
"Let go now dear", he said. And they started walking down to the road where Ray's car was parked.
Gift tried to speak, saying,"It is G..... and boom she collapsed.
Raymond grabbed her before falling and hurried her towards the car and went with her back to to his house and called a doctor for her. The doctor said that it was nothing severe it was just anxiety and stress, also due to sleepless nights. Ray was relieved but stayed by her bed waiting for her to wake up.
"I still don't know your name, Angel," he said talking to himself while holding Gift's hands admiring her beauty and kissed her forehead.
Tears started rolling down Gift's eyes and Raymond started wiping them away hoping she will wake up as she started to move. She soon opened her eyes and Ray was overjoyed although he was still worried about Gift's crying.
" I am so glad you are awake Angel, I was really worried and sorry but I had to bring you to my house as you collapsed and the doctor said you will recover soon," he said.
"Oh I see, Thank you and it is Gift by the way," said Gift with a small smile
"You are beautiful, um I mean your name is beautiful, said Ray while looking away shyly.
Gift just giggled because of his stuttering and just thanked him after while she was also blushing.

Soon after a while Ray looked at the princess in front of him and she was looking down, the moment she raised her eyes both their eyes locked the moment was broken by the burning of eggs in the kitchen and Ray ran down to look at the burnt food downstairs. As he ran down Gift also walked down behind him to check at what he is burning and she laughed at how he was running around the kitchen clueless of how to clean up the mess.
" Do you even know what you are doing dear," said Gift while giggling. Ray stopped panicking due to the beautiful angelic laugh.
"What are you doing and I was trying to make you breakfast dear," he said with a small smile.
"Oh I see but I think there is hope as I will now be the one to make us breakfast as a thank you and for your info I'm allergic to eggs dear," she said while chuckling.
"Hmm I guess I'm getting to know about you slowly am I not dear," he said.
" I guess," she said while looking away and getting to the stove to clean the mess and make breakfast.
"Don't overwork as you still not fully recovered and I'm still supposed to take care of you,"he said. They both ate while Ray kept checking Gift out while she was eating shyly and acting lady like she was indeed a good introvert lady.

While on the other side Steve was recovering as he somehow made bruises to himself when he was trying to get out of the room and from the day he changed, as staying with Gift for a month and weeks influenced him in a good way. He was no longer a bad boy and he apologized to Gift when she got back to school and luckily she managed to get back to her studies without any problems as she was intelligent and surprisingly Ray was also a UCT student which means they were both in the same University just doing different courses as Gift was studying a doctor's degree and Ray was studying law and his house was built with his bursary and parent's help. Ray came to fetch Gift for her doctor's check up and she asked the doctor to do the check ups at his house again as he didn't want Gift to wait in the doctor's line. When the doctor left and said she was recovering fully now they both had dinner that they made together this time to teach Ray some cooking skills and lessen on buying take aways.
" Hope you won't burn the house again, Raymond," said Gift.
"Of course not, not when I have the best teacher and best friend to cook for me," Ray said.
"Don't get to comfortable, you have to cook for me sometime too, you know," Gift said while smiling.
"Just kidding, I'm happy to do it for you," she said giggling. It was a sound from heaven for Ray and her smile made his day.

They looked at each other and smiled, and they set the table for dinner. When Gift was handing Ray his food their hands touched and they both freezed, their hearts were going bang, bang and boom on their chests.
Ray broke the silence and said," I love you Gift from the first day I saw you, you are my Angel." And there was just quietness and Gift said nothing just looked down on the tiled floor. Raymond chose to take another step and kissed Gift in the corner of her mouth and she raised her eyes and couldn't hold herself as she saw he really meant what he said.
"You mean from the first day I bumped into you," she said with a little smile. Ray could not hold himself and kissed her in the mouth and waited for her to push him away but she didn't, and he kissed her deeper. They kissed until they ran out of breath and Ray released her for her to breath.
"You just stole my first kiss, Ra...", she said.
"Oh don't worry dear and I'm going to have your last too," he said while kissing her again. He smiled as he saw a little smile playing on Gift's lips while they kissed.

Months passed and a year too, it was already 2 years counting from the day they met. And Ray proposed to Gift, she agreed but kept her ring in a necklace near her heart.
"They are a good couple aren't they," Steve said to Lucy, his new loyal girlfriend who is Gift's friend that was helping Ray save Gift. They both agreed and were all happy with their life. Ray finished his 4 years of study and Gift was still working hard on her studies and lived with Ray with conditions putted in place like not sleeping together or being intimate till they are married. For Raymond they could have been married long ago as he was already working but Gift wanted to first finish her studies and then focus on building their family. Finally they got married on her last year of finishing her studies when she was 25 years and he was 26 years. After she finished studying she started working at a hospital near their house thanks to the way she passed and her bursary.They lived with love and the memories of the problems they came across which built their love and made it stronger.
©Lungi ❤️🧚
© lungy