

The sun rose and its bright golden rays slipped through the cracks of his window into his room as a thief ready to commit larceny. He opened his eyes, and gave a long hard glance at his room but all he saw was emptiness, the same sentiment had swallowed his heart and abandoned him for dead.

So he smiled like a miserable fool . He had nothing to live for, not even for the old polaroids that he held on so dearly had begone to fade from his mind like a fog chased away at the sight of the policing sun. he got up the bed with his legs allowing him to do so, he slowly strolled to the bathroom with a nonchalant way to his walk, he opened the door and completely stopped by the sink. He let the water fall, it ran like a stranger ignorant of pain but always prone to chaos.

This reminded him of the time he was five when his father was still alive, he remembered how they use to sit on the porch and his father will tell him great stories about humans and animals, but all his little mind heard were words with no existence that preyed on his naivety.

He suddenly felt chills, his hands trembled like thunder but not menacing; dark clouds sit atop his emotions, and unwelcoming rain sprang down his body. With an attempt to wash away everything that was dead inside him. He lifted his head and a mirror in front of him, he saw a broken image of himself, a stranger.

"Who are you"

© M.X.M