

smelling you, I grasp tightly unto you-- nails dug deep into you,-- cause I'm about to,--to devour my beautiful -red flower,- I'll pluck every insecurity, any doubts-- any disbelief-- in this belief, -will be ceased.

Jacinta, was the name given to this rare flower. As -she embodied exactly the meaning of her name, "Beauty." Some women admired her beauty from afar, -whilst many would stand a distance, -eyes becoming sore, snickering amongst themselves-- envious. The men wouldn't dare to approach her, -- their eyes only feast on her,-- filling lusty minds with lustful thoughts. - seconds eat away their quick thrill. As- she makes her way over, to a vendor-- selling roses. Holding one up-- as she smells the sweet aroma- silence came over all secret admirers. A monstrous shadow emerged behind Jacinta-- she looks to the vendor's eyes-- his pupils blossomed- as silence consumed him. She turns- to see a beast, looking down at her-- this beast was named Emir, what once was told as a fable- came to be truth to those around.-- Jacinta, smiled at the beast-- whereas the others, feared. -Emir stood reaching out for her, - gasps echoed throughout. The rose, Jacinta held-- admiring, - she offered to beast Emir, -his hands gently took of the rose-- her rose. He then smiled-- revealing his pearly white,-- razor sharp teeth. Then, suddenly Emir began to shrink-- not only shrink, he began to change in his appearance. Jacinta, and everyone watched-- as the fable told was their reality-- beast Emir, was as his name-"Prince". - only beauty could break the curse casted upon him-- Jacinta.

© Phoenix