

In the beginning of time
There was a love that came to prime it was very blissful it was content -full there was no darkness nor chaos. Hell was Heaven and Heaven was blessed Love was inlove answer Hate was none existence Love loved and God blessed
It was a union between Mortality and Immortality Love trusted and cared Love was loyal and faithful .And it came to pass that the mortal fell inlove with another and cheated Love
Then came the dark ages. Love felt betrayed and cheated so he crawled back to the abyss in his shell promising never to rebel. In it's moment of despair Hate was created along with Depression and Rage. Rage consumes one's soul and leaves no stone unturned to destroy one's life. Depression eats one soul till there's nothing left
The Hate....Hate is the total destruction of one's life Hate revenged and destroys Hate kills and causes despair. And it came to pass that Love realised what it did and tried today rectify it but it was too late. Cause Hate along with Depression and Rage filled the heart off mortals leaving a scar before they leave
Then Love started competing with Hate ,trying to ruled the hearts of both Mortality and Immortality like that goes the Tale of Love and Hate becoming sworn enemies
But still and still Hate was from the depths of Love