

True Ouija board
In summer vacation me and my friends decided to go on a picnic. One of my friend said to bring Ouija board so I said okay I will bring. I said to my parents me and my friends were going on a picnic in summer vacation so one of my friend said to me to bring Ouija board. First my parents are refused but I bought it from the online without saying a word to my parents.
After bringing the Ouija board there is a paper with rules in it I seen all the rules and I played that but it is nothing. That evening my parents and my sister are going out for dinner they asked me to come with them but I already ate. After my parents and sister went there is only me in the house so I went to my room to sleep but that night full is my nightmare and in morning when I woke up there is no one there then I called my mom and said "Mom where are you,dad and sister" then my mom said sorry honey I didn't said to you we are not coming to home for four days because your sister said mom I want to be here that's why we are not able to come sorry you go to your picnic it's tomorrow. Part - 2……