

If a man understands the sensitive side of a woman and the woman understands the logical side of a man, then a better relationship can be formed.
Dear man!
If your girl argues with you and makes you irritate then try to connect with her sensitive side, all she wants is care, time, love and pampering.
A woman's love is simple and she loves very small things.
She loves it when you appreciate yourself and admire her hobbies.
When she is in love with you, she wants nothing more than to create moments with you and nothing else.
When she truly loves you, she doesn't want expensive things but respect.
Just give her a little, she will return you double.

Dear Woman!
If your man hurts you and upsets you and doesn't understand you then please tell him how you feel and give him the reason for what he said to you.
A Man's love is indescribable because it does not show off.
When he loves you, he takes all his responsibilities towards you.
He may not show his feelings but he always cares for you.
He only shows his security, which makes you feel like he is too possessive sometimes, but actually he doesn't feel insecure, rather he cares for you and he loves you.
If a man truly loves you, he cannot hurt you intentionally.
because men are logical.they need the reason why you feel hurt.
So instead of criticising him and blaming him, just tell him the reason & try to understand him completely.

© dikshya