

"Really? That's great! I can't believe it. Okay, okay that's great. Thanks Phoebe. I'll be in touch later. Bye." She smiles as she continues to walk the area with Luna.

"What happened?"

"Well, we gained around 6 million tonight."

"Whoa! That's amazing."

"And guess who's the highest bidder?" Luna looks at her. "It was your portrait, it was sold for one million."

Luna widens her eyes. "What? One million!?" Madison nods her head. "But Ken doesn't have that kind of money."

"It wasn't Ken who bought yours. It was Timothy." Hearing that made Luna speechless and now it was her momentum to attack the latter. "He must really see something in you for her to give out that kind of amount."


"You guys must have a very special relationship." She starts. "I'm quite suprised that Ken isn't jealous with Timothy."

"He's the most understanding person I know, I am so lucky to have him." Luna smiles. "If it were other people, I would've been labeled as a slut or a cheater." She scoffs and looks at Madison. "Which is why I am never letting him go."

Madison read the message between the lines and just went with her innocent act. She even smiled at Luna. "Well, I'm sure Ken is so lucky to have you as his girlfriend too. Loyal men are so hard to find these days. I mean, you're with your boss most of the times and he treats you like his most precious jewel. If I were you, I'd melt right away and give into him."

"So, are you willing to cheat?"

"Why? Aren't you?" She fires back.

Luna seems to be taken aback as she looks away from Madison's challenging eyes. "Of course—not."

"Hmm, makes sense. It's not like you've seen Timothy naked anyways." She comments, making Luna's left eye twitch. "Timothy's body is something I wouldn't mind looking at for the rest of the days... if he was a model, I would purposely mess up the work just so—"

"You fucking bitch." Luna hisses as she cuts her off. "Are you really that kind of a person who fucks everyone you land her eye on?"

"What did you just say?"

"Oh you heard me Madison, you heard me perfectly well." She hisses. "You think I won't be able to notice huh? I know everything. Everything that you and Ken have been doing behind my back. I know what happens on weekends."

"Enlighten me Luna, other than the fact that you bend over yourself over Timothy's car as he fucks you hard in the public parking lot or at the plane—what does happen on weekends?" Madison shuts her up. "Oh I almost forgot, you guys fucked at the bathroom stall as Ken waits for you to retouch your makeup am I right?" She chuckles. "Bathroom stall... A classic move."

"I'm no stupid woman Madison, I know what you and Ken have been doing all along. You think I didn't smell his orgams off of you?"

Madison smirks and crosses her arms. "Hey, at least his orgarms smelled better when he's with me."

Luna widens her eyes and she was about to attack when Ken immediately stops her right there. "Luna! What the hell is wrong with you?"


"Luna calm down!" Ken looks at Madison. "What did you do?"

"Why don't you ask her first Ken? She's the one who's accusing me of cheating with you."

Ken turns to his girlfriend. "Are you crazy?!"


"Ken, do me a favor and escourt that crazy dog of yours outside my gallery." Madison commands. "Had I known she was going to make this embarrassing scene, I wish I shouldn't have invited you at the office."

"Oh you mean after you fucked my—"

"LUNA STOP!" Ken shouts at the top of her lungs. "Lets go home."

From the balcony of the building, Madison could see Luna and Ken still arguing there in the parking lot as they continue to scream at each other's faces calling out their own mistakes one by one. She sighs to herself but still, she decides where this argument would lead to.

"Here." Timothy hands her a glass of wine and stands beside her. "Are they not done yet?"

"I'm starting to visualize why you like Luna..." She takes a sip of her wine. "Now I know you have a thing for screamers."

The latter smirk and turns his attention back to the couple that was arguing. "You know Miss. Kho, as I look at them now, I only realize one thing."

"And that is?"

He sighs. "I think it was bad move to make them fight. Look at them now and then look at us... We look like desperate trying to get what was never ours in the first place." Madison looks at him for a moment—


"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Both of them reacted at the same time.

"Oh God!" Madison continues with her luaghter as she holds onto her stomach.

"Geez, that was hilarious!"

"You should be an actor or something."

"I could say the same thing as you. I was watching the confrontation scene earlier and damn, you were good at putting up a front. I feel bad for my babygirl, but we needed to sell the act."

"She wasn't jealous when I've been fucking her boyfriend for months and yet making her think we fucked for one night and she was ready to attack." Madison scoffs. "Talk about being whipped huh."


"I mean you can relate to her, after all, you just spent a million on her."

Timothy casually shrugs. "I would've bought the painting for a billion but I wouldn't want Ken to pass out." He says and then look at the couple. "So far so good right?"

"Yeah, everything is according to plan."

"Now that we've done our parts, what should we do?"

Madison finished her wine. "We prepare for our stamina."

"Huh?" The CEO was confused. "Why?"

"Because tonight will be the longest night of our lives."

"How sure are you Miss. Kho?"

"I've said this and I'll say this again. I am not Madison Kho for nothing." She looks at Timothy and gives her an encouraging look. "Don't worry, by the end of the night, they will be ours."

And by 10:30 Luna and Ken separately appears on Timothy and Madison doors, and the hours of preparing for their stamina didn't go to waste.