

It’s Saturday evening, and Spoorthi having her “me time” watching her favorite thriller movie on TV.

Suddenly the bell rang and it is a continuous ringing, Spoorthi understood it is Dhrithi, her daughter, and wondered why she came back so early from playing. She opened the door and saw Dhrithi in tears, and asked “What happened?”

Dhrithi: “Preethi is so mean, I don’t want to be friends with her”.

Dhrithi is so furious and speaks her tone out loudly. Spoorthi bit panicked but didn’t want to react immediately and asked her to sit on the couch first.

Dhrithi: “I don’t want to be friends with her anymore, she acts differently when she is with her school friends, and when she is alone or with community friends, she will be so friendly”

Spoorthi understood the situation, but she doesn’t want to stop Dhrithi, she just want Dhrithi to flush out all her anger and sadness. So, she just listened. Dhriti talked continuously explaining how Preethi made fun of her in front of her school friends and she cried all the way during her explanation.
Spoorthi just sat...