

The Overcreator Mahakall. chapter :3, The locket
The locket is glowing .A sound comes from nowhere "Do u want to live?"
kall said "yes "
The sound :"Register yourself."
kall see a screne in front of his eyes. There was some some questions about his bio, fingerprint,ratena,wish. He fill up them .
The sounds say:"the host name kall Roy. wish the strongest in multiple universe and the who will know everything about everything.And now we will start to explore the dungeon from first.
Kall lose his consus again. When he opens the eyes he see the first door. He opens the door and go inside. He understands that the locket has some sort of power . He saw that a gang of devil rabbit stands in front of his eyes waiting for him. "Aaaa.. oh my god , my dragger has been broken. now what ..??"
The sound...