

I prefer getting tattoos instead of cutting.
I want a lot of tattoos. I want both of my arms become sleeves of tattoos. There are other parts that I want tattooed on as well, but not my face. I been drawing what I want for tattoos and I'll share one and if I can I'll share more. I love to feel the tattoo needle going into my skin just like I like getting piercings. I just need a few more piercings then I'm done with them. But tattoos I want a lot of them. They feel a lot better then cutting and cutting leaves scars, when tattoos leave beautiful art on your body and the pain that it gives you feel so so much better. Instead of cutting, I prefer getting tattoos even though I still crave cutting. I'm just trying to stay away from doing it and I think if I tattooed the parts that I like cutting at the most, that I won't cut because I don't want to ruin my art.
© Charlotte B.