

Moments I want to spend with them.....
The air is perfumed with wild and magnificent blooms between ranges of hills and mountains, where love comes and dallies. Who would you like to spend your time walking through those valleys with?

In this scenerio, I want to walk with only the whom I love & trust the most even more than myself, who is my heartbeat, who is most caring towards me, who loves me the most, who gaive me each&everything and who give me a new life, by making a super entry into my life.

And at that place, I stand & open my arms and I shout loudly that "I Love You". And, when that will be with me and smiling continuosly by seeing into my eyes, on that time I think that ground get slips under my feet and I will be lost my all the senses.

These are the moments that "I want to spend with them".
© Miss Queen