Leaving an Abusive Relationship
We as women I personally feel like we were born, created with this GOD given skill of nurturing and caring. We always seem to want to take care of something or someone and we feel good as women when we do. Even when the task looks already damaged we as women look at it twice to see if it can be mended or sewned into something great. We in my opinion do no different in raising our children and for the guy we have seemed to have fallen head over heels for..For whatever you're reason of loving when you do it..you mean it and we do our best to show that love and caring side of us..Maybe just maybe we can mold something great..
It is the current year of 2020 and my oh my has there been so much that has happened. Many losses if lives from all over due to sudden illness, so much change within our community as we aren't as free to walk around as our normal selves anymore. So much change.
However, As I read posts from online communities I'm involved with, along with the emails and messages to my phone..What I know to still be relevant if not even worse than it has been prior to a Corona-virus is the physical abuse amongst couples in the house. The domestic violence incidents have increased everywhere and in seeing more of this today..I wanted to write.
Every home stressed a lil bit and some more than others because many are out of work, libraries are closed, malls are closed down along with a lot of restaurants..there is no escape or calming of oneself quite like we are used to thanks to all this Quarantine and shutting down of a lot of...
It is the current year of 2020 and my oh my has there been so much that has happened. Many losses if lives from all over due to sudden illness, so much change within our community as we aren't as free to walk around as our normal selves anymore. So much change.
However, As I read posts from online communities I'm involved with, along with the emails and messages to my phone..What I know to still be relevant if not even worse than it has been prior to a Corona-virus is the physical abuse amongst couples in the house. The domestic violence incidents have increased everywhere and in seeing more of this today..I wanted to write.
Every home stressed a lil bit and some more than others because many are out of work, libraries are closed, malls are closed down along with a lot of restaurants..there is no escape or calming of oneself quite like we are used to thanks to all this Quarantine and shutting down of a lot of...