

The Evergreen Children chapter 1
The Evergreen case. That's what we been calling it. I mean how are we supposed to call it, all the children have the same last name. It baffles me how such a thing even happened, with no one noticing it. I guess even I can't say much, even though I'm the new recruit on the job. "Marceline, get your head out of cloud nine and tell me the damn report!" My co-worker yelled at me. I was going stutter a quiet response but I need to show him I'm ready for this job. "Ok, the report reads about over the past 25 years children from different orphanages and foster care systems in Maine have been taking in custody by a white, tall, lanky women in her late 40's, early 50's. She takes children who are in the 4 - 7 year old age group, and keeps them in her family home."
"Ok so a old lady is adopting kids and that's a problem how?"
"Umm, it says she first adopted a boy who was 5 and after 25 years he has not been seen or heard of and when the state court tried to call her she denied he existed. The court found it off putting and dug up more research that she had him but found over 13 adoptions from different orphanages, and when they asked them about this all the orphanages came clean saying that she adopted more than 13. She has over 120 adopted children under her name."
"That's- that's a lot of kids." I nodded in response. I can't help but think why she has all those kids? As we were getting closer to Ms. Evergreen's house, me and Steven saw up ahead a horde of children in nasty, ragged clothing. They were holding knifes, swords, shields, spears, bows and arrow. and other weaponry. Steven came to a halt and I flung up in my seat.
We stared at them and they did the same, it look like everyone was speechless. Some kids had smiles on there face, other had confusion but the two girls in the front that looked like they were leading all of them looked determined and scarred. The girl with black raven hair got into a stance with the spear she was holding, but the girl with red , curly hair hold her back.
My partner looked at me with his mouth open and told me to talk them with the police car speaker, while he called for back up. I nervously grab the walkie talkie that's connected to the police car and pressed the button on the side, "Th-This is the Police, my name is Marceline Louis and me and my partner can help you all get home to your families but you need to drop all your weapons and answer a few questions,ok!" The girl with the raven black hair spoke up
"We won't drop our weapons but will answer your questions if you get us out of this place!" Her voice was raspy as if she was crying or yelling all day. The red head nodded along with her, and the girl turned around and did a hand single that seemed to calm some of the kids down.
"Ok let's start with names, what are you two girl's names?" The red hair one spoke this time, "My name is Rasiel and she is Lindsey." She spoke with little confidence in her voice but the way she said it made it seem like she was terrified.
"Those are lovely names, now are you two leading this group?" "Yes" Lindsey said really fast it almost scarred me. My partner tapped my shoulder and nodded towards me that back up is on the way. This was going to be a very long case.
© Rylee C.