

Lies In My Genes #3
Chapter 3 : I got myself a tourist, the guy himself!


Last night was somewhat a catastrophe since I not only rendered myself a major clown in front of the guy I think I liked but also managed to come home late, earning a handful of colourful words from Mum. However though, the sunrise seemed to made it a lot less agonizing.

My feet felt numb and my back cracked as I stretched. Hmm.. it feels like a lengthy day already.
I go through my phone and check Rae messages, who tried to blow up my phone from gushing how exciting her trip is.

Ways to make me envy her.

"We toured the abandoned city, Vi!!"
"I think I met a lot of cute guys! Do you want me to bring one for you home?"

I had to blink twice before practically gaping at the message and slamming my hand on my forehead. She is crazy, I'm telling you!
Bringing a guy back as if he's some kind of boarding package, I really have no words.
I patiently reply to her idiotic messages and sigh. Whew!

"Alvie! Breakfast!" Mum...