

Underdog Musician
It was a rainy day,all the clouds were becoming dark. A lady was admitted in hospital as she was pregnant. I think it was exactly 12:02 AM , a boy landed on the earth and off course he should be our hero. Birds were signing as if they were welcoming someone. And this is a simple introduction and the name of our hero will be maintained as secret until the time comes.

1 Year Passed:

It was late 1990's the price of the goods kept increasing everyday.It was just 3 days before the election. Parties were distributing money to people. Almost 99% of them received money but one women refused to get it. She told them she will not sell her vote at any cause and closed the door with heavy sound. She turned back to her home with a sense of happiness and told her son that 'Power of human is within his hand'. And off course her son should be our hero but not. He is our hero's brother. Our hero is just born and was lying on bed. The election day arrived....