

How can you forget the Fate?
“They say, real eyes catch real lies”

Her eyes were the ones I would love to look at ,till eternity.
Why I loved to look into her eyes ?
Mainly because, her words always failed to tell the truth. But, at first it was not easy to see and understand beyond her words , I must mention , her eyes paired well with her words in lying. I caught her once , when she was lying but I stayed quiet . She was holding on to an unbearable pain , but her cheerful nature, always fooled people around her.
She always knew I like her. But, pretended like she had no clue. Why is it that , whenever I was around her , I got the vibe that she liked me too. Even her eyes and her actions told me the same. Everytime I caught her telling a lie by looking into her eyes, she used to turn her face the other way .

I understood her through the beautiful but mysterious eyes of hers. I knew what she was going to do next , even before she did that.

But, I always stayed quiet, even if the thing she was going to do was wrong. I wanted her to realize the mistake by herself, but she never did.

Her fragrance was the only thing that made me addicted to her. I used to love that because , it made me feel her presence somewhere around me.

Every cloth she wore , made me feel like, it was meant for her and no one else.

We were meant for each other, even the universe told me this . The way she used to smile , when someone said our name together, that smile and her eyes sparkling with that, not tricking but being genuine ,made me realize this.

But , she never realized it.
How can we forget the Fate?

She was committed to someone else.
Even today I wonder, does that person understand her lies that she hides in her eyes?

© Alien

#WritcoQuote #story #Fate #Love&love