

fantasical tales
his POV:
I love her so damn much. She's just soo frickin cute, and ooh here she comes. She smiled at me, oof. She came and sat next to me even though there was enough space behind me. I kept speaking and speaking until she asked me to stop. I've never spoken this much with any girl, that's how much she meant to me. I know she likes me too and that's how I know we are meant to be. For infinity and beyond.

her POV:
I am over him but there's still a little hole in my heart and God knows why. I entered the class, he was pondering about something. I couldn't help but smile. He didn't see me, but he smiled just few secs later. I wonder why. I was supposed to sit next to him for that class. But she came and took my place. I sat behind. He started telling tales, non-stop, with that glow in his eyes that used to be in mine. He isn't much of talkative person to be honest. And seeing that, I remembered the tales he used to tell me and the line he used to repeat "for infinity and beyond". But neither were the tales true nor was he.
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