

The shift
It was a Monday. The day was usual with its rain and breeze. I had to attend an interview in Coimbatore. I left the college after the interview by 4.00p.m and reached Salem by 8.30. I boarded a private bus. It was crowded. And amidst the crowd I saw a woman in her late twenties or early thirties. She reminded me of a video I saw in Youtube where an youtuber asks students some questions. The question is "Which type of people you hate the most?" and she gave an iconic reply. She said that she hate people with fake accents- the ones who are full of vibe ready to fight in any situation. But whenever they happen to meet handsome men or prospective boyfriends they change it to a milder tone to flirt. She even acted to show what she meant. So coming back to my story, the woman I was telling about didn't have a seat to sit and she was standing with her male colleague calling him brother. I apologise for being judgemental but she stood very close to him and they won't appear appealing to any eye from my place. When the conductor felt that they are standing just opposite to the entrance, he asked her to move a bit. But she was not ready to leave the place. She started to begin a fight with the conductor saying that she is comfortable in her present place. The conductor who understood her intention for a fight stated to carry out his works. But she doesn't want the argument to end. She was talking in mocking tone about him and telling her collegue her willingness to fight.
The twist is here. Suddenly she received a call from someone. At once her voice gained sweetness filled with coyness. Her words, tone, intonation and even body language changed to a sort of romantic. Imagine someone near you who is in the verge of bursting to begin a hot argument and suddenly changing to coyness..
Even after having watched the video so many times, I cannot witness someone with such a change of tone for a long time. Thank God, I found one.
© Mp❣️