

The clumsy me-4(The day I failed in my exam)
The sharp ringing of the bell reached my ears. I hurriedly got up from my desk, ignoring everybody walking past me. I went to the teacher's desk and submit my maths paper. My half-yearly examinations were going on.

I was definitely overloaded by my never-ending syllabus. I picked my bag up and walked out of the classroom. Pushing against the crowd I reached the timetable board ,I started looking for the date of my next exam .

"The bus students! please start moving!" The staffs called out.

I hurriedly looked for the date. My eyes roamed quickly ,trying to look carefully.

"Umm..24June ....English!"

What a bad luck!!I have to learn those forms of tenses and read those stories and poems for a thousand times!.

I went home, had my lunch and started studying. English was my best subject. I had always scored good marks in English. I learned the meanings and the phrases.

My mother was not that much worried about my English exam.

"Have you prepared for your exam?"

"Of course I am going to score full Mark's!"

I woke up the next morning, had my lunch and got on the bus.I got my way through the crowd and ran to my friend, Ava.She gave me that sweet smile, making me smile too and then she asked-

"So ,Did you prepared nicely for the science paper?"

------------Erum Ahmad