

Scary garden chapter 3 part 1
I know what you did and before we say it would be honour if you speak by yourself. Dad said.
What is that? I said.
About the fight. He said.
Oh! Well Sam was the one what this snitch told you.
Mom! Dad! He said I'm snitch! Arya cried.
My dad looked at me with anger but I did not said any word only my dad spoke for the time until I finish my breakfast and he said I would have complain him. And what's I am victim for. I prepare myself to go to school and my bus came too.
So I enter the bus and sat on my side. I started reading a book which help me to forget the world. It's always Rahul who sits with me but today he won't come because he was going out with his family the one thing I'm happy is Rahul parents are very good and the way they behave with him is very appreciative unlike my parents.
May I sit here if you don't mind? I heard a new voice the voice was sweet and sound humble it would be definitely a girl when I looked up to see yes my guess was correct she was new and she was looking beautiful her hairs were black curly and she had two sides of tail and she looked very innocent and kind from her face. I said yes and she smiled and sat.
She introduced herself her name was Tanya Miraj she was new girl in the town...Then I introduced myself too and also told that she can only sit for one day because Rahul didn't came. She said yes and then she looked at the book which I was reading and she knew about that book and our both writer is favourite the book which I was reading was the misery and Stephan king is my favourite in writerand even I like R.L stine and she did too...
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