

Internal Castle
There was a 3 story Castle
that appeared to be maintained,
at least from what I can see
through the torrential pouring rain.

As I approached the door,
I saw a lil boy inside,
And a lil girl upstairs
behind the window trying to hide.

The handle to the door
had a lock within a lock
but for some unapparent reason
it was open but it was blocked.
With a grand father clock
with which the pendulum was moving
and the time piece mechanism
was in tact but it wasn’t moving.

The time read half passed three
and had a riddle written on the glass,
which said ''to come inside you have to come to grips with past''.
Just then I saw that little boy run across the hall
through the glass behind the clock
as he walking through the walls.

So I thought to myself, what is it I have felt,
what happened in my past that makes me feel this loathsome guilt?

How is it I feel?
What if I’m not real?
And all these things inside my mind
are games that are all surreal?

Just then as I was thinking,
I decided to shatter the glass,
Crawl through the clock, over the glass,
which cut me from my past,

I realized that these legions
that I inherited from my childhood,
Began to come in focus
as I begin to watch them heal.
This experience seemed so surreal
as my wounds were closing over,
it was as if I never cut myself
discovering how I feel.

The fear of walking through,
all the doorways of my past,
was null and void at this particular moment because I wanted so much to grasp,

This feeling that I'm feeling
and who these children are inside,
how is he able to walk through walls?
And why is it she hides?

So I began to walk and call out to the little boy I saw,
but I didn't know his name,
so I decided to search the hall.

Hoping for a moment
that his name would come to mind,
Wishing for a moment
that the girl wasn’t trying to hide.

Wanting for a moment
to have a convo with them both.
Needing to understand
why they're hiding and what they know.
But then again I don't,
Because I'm an empath And I know,
That the pain they feel within is still alive and proceeds to grow.

I really shouldn't be here.
I probably should leave.
But I have to try to understand
what this has to do with me.

I have to try And understand
the reason for these dreams.
I need to search within my soul and discover what all this means.

It's apparent that I built this house
my signatures on the walls.
These algorithms of connected thoughts
are written through the halls.

There's various doors on several floors
but most of them are locked.
I distinctly remember shutting them
because I couldn't turn back the clock.
As I couldn't make It stop.
So I locked every door that had a memory
that made me feel at fault.

I decided it never happened and I locked the door behind me,
hoping to never open it
for fear it would define me.

All I remember is locking them and throwing away the key.
I didn't want anyone to go inside...
Inadvertently, including me.

I can't remember how old I was
but I know I was under 10,
for I can't remember anything that happened before then.
It's just another room in this dreaded house
that I never care to be in.

The pictures on the walls are defaced with melted letters,
that gravitate to the canvas like a magnet linked to fetters.

For the words can be removed
And placed on another canvas
for they share the dreaded feeling
as they disintegrate in madness.

I tried to burn them several times
but they never seem to die,
they just continue melting and spelling words, on the door post of my mind.

A header above the door that says
"you need to Come Inside"
but I locked that door years ago. And never will abide.

And that's when it happens, I hear the boy, crying from inside.
And see the little girl walk through walls
as she proceeds to say "he died"

I didn't know she had this ability
but now I see she does.
But then logic would say he's still alive and she wants me to call her bluff.

To come inside and release the memory,
that I have but all forgotten
at least that's what I keep telling myself
to pretend it never happened.

Even though the door is locked,
the words reveal what happened.
But I try to ignore the words
that are written on the canvas.

There's a reason this door is locked,
what happened inside YOU can't imagine.
You wish it didn't happen.
But nothing can replace the way you feel,
about this sick corroded passion.

This door opens to my favorite room
because it leads to a secret place,
where no one is allowed inside
except for the words that I erased.

It's hidden between, two of the most
disgusting wretched floors
and opens to a maze of mirrors
that is behind a hidden door.

You cannot find your way in here
because I designed the maze myself.
It opens to a spiral staircase
that is hidden behind a shelf.

Invisible doors
unlimited floors
And a memory that I've forgotten.
Ambiguous thoughts.
Insidious acts
Of sick corroded passion

You probably should leave now
Because I would hate to see you hurt.
Not by me, but by a memory
that I fear I Cannot reverse.

For I fear the day will come
when these doors will become unlocked
And the paintings on all these walls
Will slowly began to walk
And overtake my thoughts
to the point I can no longer talk.
Because I'll began to choke on the memories
I tried so hard to stop.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨