

Choose Life
Your doing this to yourself
I wish that you could see,
All the negative energy
Can you just let it be?

We had a good run
The two years together.
It's time to move on because
We couldn't handle the bad weather.

The day that you introduced me
to your buddy who's name is Meth
That damned what we had,
and thats why I left.

It changed us into who we aren't
It had us in turmoil
This isn't the first time
but it will be the last.

I choose the path to recovery
but you just are not ready.
You are letting me go but you choose,
to keep fighting a fight that you will lose.

The guilt that I feel for wanting this
has got me feeling some type of way.
The only thing I can do now
Is to work on me and take it day by day.

Who's to say though
That I would even want us back?
I'm changing people places and things,
You need to accept what yout lacking.

Take accountability, confession and the lies that we tell ourselves daily,
Will only lead you farther into the pit
I know that your tired of being sick but only you can change that in anyway.

Are you tired enough are u sick enough yet? I pray that day will arrive,
do the right things for the right reasons
the rest will keep you alive.

Do you want to die
are you ready?
You just need some help
to get your head on steady.

Methamphetime stole a life
the one we should've had.
You are consumed in depression
can't you see that this is bad?

I will always care about you
pray, and wish you all the best.
What's left for you to do
Will be all of the rest.

Thank you for this lessened learned
A very hard one to overcome.
Remember how we used to be
Remember all the fun....