

The hunting returns (chapter 2)
Chapter 2: The Final Confrontation

Before reading this please read chapter 1

Vijay's heart pounded in his chest as he stood at the foot of the staircase, listening to the eerie creaking of the old wooden steps. Each one groaned and moaned as if the house itself were alive, and it sent shivers down his spine. He hesitated for a moment, his hand shaking as he reached for the railing. The air was thick with a musty scent, and cobwebs clung to every corner of the ceiling, making it hard for him to see. But he knew he had to investigate the strange noises he had heard.

Slowly, he made his way up the stairs, each step creaking beneath his weight. The sound of his own footsteps echoed through the empty house, amplifying the sense of dread that hung heavy in the air. As he reached the top of the stairs, he saw a shadowy figure disappearing into one of the rooms. His heart racing, he crept down the hallway, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of movement. The room was empty, but he could feel a presence, a sense of something watching him.

Suddenly, he heard a cold, eerie voice whispering in his ear, "I told you I would come back for you, Vijay. You cannot escape me." His blood ran cold as he spun around, but there was nobody there.

He tried to shake off the fear and made his way to the basement, following the sound of his daughter's cries. The stairs leading down were narrow and steep, and he had to hold onto the railing to keep from losing his footing. As he descended, the air grew colder, and the musty scent became overpowering. He shuddered, his eyes flicking nervously around the dark space.

Suddenly, a fast object came out of nowhere and made a small cut in Vijay's hand. He winced in pain, but pushed on, his concern for his daughter outweighing his fear. His hand dripped blood onto the stairs, adding to the creepy atmosphere.

When he reached the basement, he heard a cry coming from the wardrobe. "Papa, save me! It's very dark here!" the voice cried out. The wardrobe door was old and creaky, and it took him a moment to get it open. His heart was pounding in his chest as he pulled it open, ready to fight whatever monster lay inside.

Without hesitation, Vijay opened the wardrobe door, only to see his ex-wife Anjali sitting inside. His breath caught in his throat as he recoiled in horror. Her eyes were dark and empty, her mouth filled with blood. Anjali turned her head towards Vijay and told him not to worry, that his family was safe for now, but she would kill them and eat their flesh before killing him.

She revealed that the blood on her lips belonged to their friend Sameer, whom she had brutally murdered. "I cut his wife into two pieces in front of Sameer, then dragged him to the forest and left crabs all over his body, and then I ate his flesh," she hissed, her voice full of malice.

"Sweetie, did you miss me? Can you give me one thing? I want to eat your flesh, drink your blood, and wash my hair with it. If you want to save your family," Anjali said, "come to the mental asylum."

And with that, she disappeared, leaving Vijay with a sense of dread and a desperate need to save his family from the clutches of his deranged ex-wife. He knew he had to act fast before it was too late.

Vijay immediately went to the crematorium and sought help from an Aghori and told the whole story to the Aghori. But Aghori said that I want to know the story from the beginning.

Vijay recounted his story to the Aghori in great detail, his voice trembling with fear as he relived each terrifying moment. He began by describing the early days of his marriage to Anjali, when everything seemed perfect. They were deeply in love and had a beautiful daughter, Shreya, whom they adored. However, their happiness was short-lived.

Vijay's tale continued as he recounted their trip to the infamous Bhangarh Fort, a place notorious for its dark legends and curses. Anjali was thrilled to be there and eagerly explored every nook and cranny of the fort. However, she touched something cursed, and soon after returning home, her behavior became erratic.

At first, Vijay didn't notice anything amiss, but as Anjali's behavior became more erratic, he became increasingly concerned. She started beating their daughter Shreya, chanting strange words in the middle of the night, and behaving in ways that terrified Vijay. He tried to talk to her, but Anjali refused to listen, and things only got worse.

Vijay then turned to his friends Sameer, Abhijeet, and Mahesh for help. Together, they decided to seek professional help and called in a psychiatrist, Mr. Naresh, to examine Anjali. The doctor diagnosed her with a mental illness and recommended that she be admitted to a mental asylum for treatment.

Anjali, however, refused to go and lashed out violently, hitting Mr. Naresh with a vase. Fearing for their safety, Vijay and his friends had no choice but to restrain Anjali and have her sedated with a sleeping injection.

Before slipping into unconsciousness, Anjali warned them that she would kill them all. Her words sent shivers down Vijay's spine, but he didn't think much of it at the time. Anjali was admitted to the mental asylum, and Vijay and his friends thought that they had done the right thing.

But they had no idea what awaited them. The ghost that had possessed Anjali. As the ghost possessed Anjali's body, it became more powerful and malevolent. It started to kill anyone who came in its way, both patients and staff. Anjali, under the control of the ghost, carried out the killings in the most gruesome and horrifying ways imaginable.

The ghost would whisper in Anjali's ear, urging her to kill. Anjali, unable to resist the ghost's command, would sneak up on the unsuspecting victims and attack them with whatever she could find nearby.

One night, Anjali crept into a patient's room and strangled him with a pillow. The patient, who was in a deep sleep, never stood a chance. Anjali then proceeded to cut off his limbs, one by one, before finally slitting his throat.

In another instance, Anjali snuck up on a nurse and plunged a syringe into her neck, injecting her with a lethal dose of poison. The nurse died a slow and painful death, gasping for breath as her body convulsed uncontrollably.

The ghost inside Anjali's body would often make her commit acts of cannibalism, leading her to eat the flesh of her victims. The staff and patients who were still alive would hide in terror, knowing that they could be next.

The killings went on for weeks, and soon, the mental asylum became a graveyard. Anjali's husband Vijay and Vijay's friend Sameer, Abhijeet, and Mahesh had no idea what was happening, as they were not in touch with the mental asylum at the time.

It was only later that they found out about the horrific events that had taken place there. That everyone in asylum was now dead. After 1 years Vijay's friend suggested him to get married for shreya. As shreya need mother, vijay married to saniya

Vijay was terrified and didn't know what to do. He turned to the Aghori for help, but the Aghori wanted to know more about the ghost that possessed Anjali. Vijay continued his story, his voice barely above a whisper as he recounted the final moments of Anjali's life.

As he finished his story, Vijay could feel a cold sweat trickling down his back. The Aghori sat silently, his eyes closed as he listened to Vijay's words. Suddenly, the environment grew colder, and Vijay could see his breath in the air. The Aghori opened his eyes and stared at Vijay, his gaze intense and unblinking.

"You have been cursed," the Aghori said, his voice deep and ominous. "Your ex-wife is dead and her soul is possessed, sometimes a ghost is also possessed by a powerful ghost" he said gravely. "But not by a human spirit. This is something much older, much darker. She is a vessel for an ancient evil that has taken hold of her, and it will not let go without a fight."

Vijay felt his stomach drop as he realized the severity of the situation. He asked the Aghori what he could do to save his family.

The Aghori told him that there was only one way to rid his ex-wife and the evil that possessed her - he would have to travel to the mental asylum where she was being held and perform a ritual to exorcise the demon from her body.

Vijay knew this was going to be a dangerous and terrifying journey, but he had no choice. He had to save his family.

The journey to the asylum was long and treacherous. The road was winding, and the forest was dense, but Vijay pushed on, his fear and determination fueling him.

When he finally arrived at the asylum, he was met with a sight that chilled him to the bone. The building was old and decrepit, the paint peeling, and the windows boarded up. It looked as if it had been abandoned for years.

As he approached the front door, he could hear strange noises coming from inside - screams and moans, the sound of metal scraping against metal. He hesitated for a moment, but then he remembered his daughter's cries for help and pushed the door open.

The inside of the asylum was a maze of dark corridors and empty rooms. The air was thick with the smell of decay and rot. As he made his way through the halls, he could hear strange whispers and voices coming from the shadows.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice - it was his ex-wife, Anjali. She was singing a song, a tune he recognized from his childhood. He followed the sound, his heart racing, until he came to a door at the end of the hallway.

As Vijay pushed open the door to the room where Abhijeet was crying beside his dead wife's body, he felt his heart beating faster in his chest. The room was dark, and the air was heavy with a palpable sense of dread. Abhijeet's sobs were gut-wrenching, and it took a moment for Vijay to compose himself before he could approach his friend.

Abhijeet's eyes were red and puffy, and tears streaked his cheeks. He was trembling with grief as he revealed to Vijay that Anjali had killed his wife. Vijay felt a chill run down his spine as he listened to Abhijeet's story, and he knew that he had to act fast to stop the madness.

He told Abhijeet that Aghori was outside the asylum, attempting to control Anjali, and together, they left the room. But as they made their way down the hallway, Abhijeet was suddenly dragged into the darkness and killed. Vijay heard his friend's last scream, followed by an evil laugh that echoed through the corridors.

Determined to save his family, Vijay moved to the second floor of the asylum, his heart pounding in his chest. He saw what he thought was his wife, Saniya , crying in the corner, but as he approached her, he realized that it was Anjali in disguise. She attacked Vijay with a knife, and he felt the cold metal blade slice into his skin.

Anjali threatened to kill Shreya in front of his eyes, and Vijay was powerless to stop her. But just when all seemed lost, Aghori arrived and chanted a powerful mantra that protected Shreya. Anjali disappeared before their eyes, leaving them confused and terrified.

Before disappearing, Anjali revealed that Vijay's wife was in the exit gate, and as they rushed towards it, they saw Anjali grab Saniya and threaten to kill her. Vijay slowly approached her, his heart pounding in his chest, and just as Anjali raised the knife to strike, he pushed her away.

But Anjali attacked him instead, and Vijay felt the sharp pain of the knife piercing his skin once more. As Aghori continued to chant, Anjali's behavior began to change. Her violent and aggressive actions slowly transformed into expressions of regret and sorrow. Her soul started to relax as the power of the exorcism took hold. Aghori continued to chant and direct his energy towards Anjali until he was sure that the evil spirit had been banished completely.

When the exorcism was complete, Anjali was left disoriented and confused. She was shocked by her own actions and had no memory of what had happened to her. Aghori explained to her what had transpired and reassured her that she was free from the possession.

Through his mastery of exorcism, Aghori had successfully banished the evil spirit possessing Anjali and restored her to her true self. His knowledge and control of the ancient techniques of exorcism had saved Vijay's family from certain doom and brought peace to their troubled lives.

Aghori revealed that Anjali was possessed by a powerful ghost of Bhangarh and was obeying its orders. However, she was now free, but the powerful ghost was lost. Vijay felt a sense of relief wash over him as he realized that his family was safe once more.

The Aghori explained to Vijay and his family that the ghost of Bhangarh was an ancient and powerful spirit that had been known to take control of humans and turn them into its slaves. According to legend, the ghost of Bhangarh was once a slave of queen who had made a pact with the devil, trading his soul for ultimate power and immortality.

Over time, the ghost became increasingly powerful, and its influence spread throughout the region. It was said that anyone who entered its domain would become its pawn, forced to carry out its will or suffer the consequences.

The Aghori went on to explain that the ghost of Bhangarh would often give its human slaves orders to kill innocent people, with the ultimate goal of causing chaos and destruction. And once the ghost had taken control of a human's soul, it would use them to carry out even more horrific acts, until the person was eventually driven to suicide.

Overall, the Aghori's explanation of the ghost of Bhangarh painted a terrifying picture of an ancient and malevolent entity that was capable of unleashing unspeakable horrors on anyone who crossed its path.

But as they left the asylum and made their way to the hospital, Saniya suddenly began to feel a sharp pain in her stomach. Vijay felt his heart drop as he feared the worst, but to his surprise, the doctor gave them the good news that Saniya was pregnant. A wave of happiness ran through Vijay's mind, and he felt a sense of hope for the future.

Several months later, Vijay and his family were enjoying a peaceful lunch in a restaurant, the memories of the terrifying events behind them. But as he looked at his wife and daughter, he knew that he would never forget the horrors they had faced, and he vowed to always be vigilant against the forces of darkness that lurked in the shadows.



Dear readers,
I hope you enjoyed reading the first part of this story. I want to let you know that this is not the end, and there will be a second part coming soon with the same character. So, stay tuned and keep an eye out for it.

Your feedback is important to me, so if you enjoyed the story, please do leave your valuable comments in the comment box. I would also appreciate any suggestions you might have to improve my writing.

Since I am still building my audience, I would be grateful if you could share this story with your followers and friends. Please do mention your friends in the comment box whom you want to recommend this story to.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message, and I look forward to bringing you the second part of this story soon.

@spring22 @Silly.Soul @Somu195
© Anurag Tiwari