

Jesus has been crucified and nailed to cross. How painful it is.

He said " I will take you to his abode " . When everything is clear people started to listen . He said " The kingdom of God is within you " . He said there is a possibility within you. Now it is a problem. Until someone insurance to you and assure you everything is good and fine. Now suddenly he is trying to point finger at you now it's a trouble. Because every time you looked at you. You find you are quite charming, cunning and easy peasy making life to go. Now God is within me . You'll find it's freaking out. Such a responsibility. Refuse it gently. But still he is saying and pointing towards you. Ohh the difficult job of a guru. Now it's a possibility mind says let's explore, society says you are incapable. Society's always feared capability because it can create a whole new out of it. So it's just minimise it. To minimise the capability and send to strong message to society. They sent out messages in a different way. Since the ages it's the tradition to silence or get silenced. But still Jesus said " Oh my father , they don't know what they are doing. Please forgive " . Then he descended to abode. They opened possibility and went. Are you want to be the possibility. Or sing at it's doorstep. When you can enter temple but you are still sitting at doorstep. Then......